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# Article Title Author
1 Smoke and Mirrors, by Brian Cowden Ted Reynolds
2 Self-inflicted catastrophe Joinus
3 Humanity is an Endangered Species Lawrence S. Wittner
4 Biden Take Charge of Fighting Coronavirus RICHARDKANE.philadelphia
5 Daft Times - Blojo and Trump. What Could Go Wrong? Zepp Jamieson
6 Atrocities - A sure-fire way to bring atrocities about Zepp Jamieson
7 Create and Enjoy Community
8 Letter from Colombo, Sri Lanka, 26 April 2019 Judy Pasqualge
9 The Dark Alliance, Trump, Netanyahu, Saudi Crown Salman, Kim, Jair Bolsonaro RICHARDKANE.philadelphia
10 Shuffle US and Russian Aid to Venezuela Giving it to Both Sides RICHARDKANE.philadelphia
11 "an immigrants Lament" Man of Steele
12 IPCC - The Scientific World Wants 1.5C: Trump wants 4.0C Zepp Jamieson
13 Solve Climate Weirding
14 The Squirrel Seller Zepp Jamieson
15 Blame Canada -- Or maybe it’s Canadian Bacon Zepp Jamieson
16 The Post-Trump Bernard Weiner
17 The Republicans are f***ing Us Right Now John Glassco
18 King Trump, Henchmen Sen Toomey and Philly Rep, White Gunning to make Philly Submit Richard Kane
19 Some State Actors behind the Munich Shooting Sajjad Shaukat
20 How President Trump Will Solve Global Warming John Glassco
21 Bernie or Kasich as VP, Means a 10% Increase in Hilary's Vote Totals Richard Kane
22 Responding to my Climate Change Denying Friends
23 What if Trump was from Outer Space? Richard Kane
24 Obama Green Lighted the Heroin Epidemic William Edstrom
25 The HFCS Conspiracy Sarah Taylor
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