As we reported back on March 12, Garry Trudeau has done it again. The intrepid comic strip author has ventured into forbidden political territory once more, and is banned by many publications again. Here is Part 1 of the banned Doonesbury Abortion Cartoon. -- ma/RSN
The banned Doonesbury Abortion Cartoon: Part 1. (image: Universal Uclick)
The Banned Doonesbury Abortion Cartoon:
Part 1
19 March 12
As we reported back on March 12, Garry Trudeau has done it again. The intrepid comic strip author has ventured into forbidden political territory once more, and is banned by many publications again. Here is Part 1 of the banned Doonesbury Abortion Cartoon. -- ma/RSN
Doonesbury's banned abortion series: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6
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