Ron Paul, Santorum and bin Laden - personal morality their followers admire
Written by Richard Kane
Monday, 02 January 2012 23:27
If you define ones personal life is what counts, some lightning rod characters fit the bill. No two timing personal ramps or lavish personal expenditure, or extravaganzas. It is rare for people to really practice what they preaches. For them, one's work comes first, but still plenty of time for family matters. Rick Santorum has eight children one died at birth. Ron Paul has five. A picture of Ron Paul with all his relatives is an amazing crowd (see the link below).
When is comes to non-personal maters Ron Paul leaves the pack. The others want to impose what they consider God's Will with what they consider necessary force. Bin Laden had his suicide-bombing followers reigned what he believed to be God's compassion upon the earth. It is not only with extremes in the Christian and Muslim religion, harsh twists of Judaism are trying to dominate Israel as well. Rick Santorum wants to cut food-stamps to fight obesity showing what the considers Christ's tough love on the poor. He considering Ron Paul's foreign policy of, let them do what they want to themselves, unchristian, going against God's mandate for the US to support Israel. Ron Paul said if we don't cut foreign aid then we will have to cut food stamps and I don't think that is the way to go. Santorum thinks Paul opposes what he considers God's tough love. Of course the Mennonites see Christ's message just the opposite of how Santorum sees it.
If a time machine was invented and showed bin Laden a world under a future President Santorum where the loud speakers would blast the national anthem and a public prayer, and anyone who didn't at least stop and bow their heads would be arrested, bin Laden would have mixed feelings rather than conclude his cause was a failure.
A related link,
with a harsh rebuttal at,
By Richard Kane
Ron Paul and family:
When is comes to non-personal maters Ron Paul leaves the pack. The others want to impose what they consider God's Will with what they consider necessary force. Bin Laden had his suicide-bombing followers reigned what he believed to be God's compassion upon the earth. It is not only with extremes in the Christian and Muslim religion, harsh twists of Judaism are trying to dominate Israel as well. Rick Santorum wants to cut food-stamps to fight obesity showing what the considers Christ's tough love on the poor. He considering Ron Paul's foreign policy of, let them do what they want to themselves, unchristian, going against God's mandate for the US to support Israel. Ron Paul said if we don't cut foreign aid then we will have to cut food stamps and I don't think that is the way to go. Santorum thinks Paul opposes what he considers God's tough love. Of course the Mennonites see Christ's message just the opposite of how Santorum sees it.
If a time machine was invented and showed bin Laden a world under a future President Santorum where the loud speakers would blast the national anthem and a public prayer, and anyone who didn't at least stop and bow their heads would be arrested, bin Laden would have mixed feelings rather than conclude his cause was a failure.
A related link,
with a harsh rebuttal at,
By Richard Kane
Ron Paul and family:
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