Two Election Disasters: Trump Victory or Hillary Landslide
A Trump Victory could be a problem even for the people that support him like all those suckers who invested in him and his business wisdom at Trump University. Practice, not his preaching, says anyone around the world desperate enough to submit to a gouging shady employment agency or scout will be able to work in Trump's America. His appointments to the Supreme Court would be based mainly on who those who will back him up. He fleeced, not rejuvenated, Atlantic City, and is likely to do the same to America as well.
Some of Hillary's supposedly changing her mind makes a lot of sense. Like cheering a trade deal until too much Obama compromise made the final draft full of pork. The more votes Gary Johnson gets in the non-battleground states, the better she will be able to negotiate sound trade deals. Much of the Wikileak's revelations are disturbing; but not her private praise of single payer, or her private criticism of Saudi Arabia as the biggest spreader of terrorism. The more votes Jill Stein gets in non-battleground states the more Hillary will be able to do for kids and clean energy.
To change the subject I think there is a disgusting game going on. Donald Trump I suspect got together with the Clinton's and Democratic insiders and agreed to destroy the Republican party and Republican ideas. They, not realizing that he was actually planning to be President in the process. Talk of jailing women for abortion is ruining the helping image that the pro-life movement is trying to convey, and they told him so. Claiming a gun makes you a big man or women is not the NRA's pro-security image they are trying to convey, especially hinting around that those who politically oppose you might get shot. But the gun lobby is lapping it up. Immigration limiting groups want to preserve US privilege, and don't want to live in an equal world since an average worker in the world make about a dollar an hour. This gets mixed with hate, and with Donald's help, it is almost pure hate. Donald Trump's statements on Afghanistan and Iraq praise the shock and awe of the first President Bush. The badly needed fact check groups are ruining their credentials by linking Donald to the nation-,building efforts of the younger President Bush, and the Clinton's and Obama.
A Hillary Clinton landslide is the second worst scenario for the election. It will be the wrong foreign policy mandate.
There is an opportunity for a multiparty future but only if both the Greens and Libertarians do well. A three-legged person or animal is unstable, four is needed for a functioning system. Greens and Libertarians fight racism from different angles both, are needed to try to prevent race war if economic disaster strikes.
Donald refuses to campaign for other Republicans and made so many enemies among Republicans in the House of Representatives that if neither Hillary and Donald get 270 Electoral Votes they would leave the Presidency vacant before voting for Donald. Gary got 19% in New Mexico, where thanks to him Hillary 41% is ahead of Donald's 32%. The rest of the states Gary is double digit in is Trump country. In two of these states Alaska and Illinois Trump is winning by less than a majority. It would be wonderful if Hillary and Gary would ask one state to vote for her and one for him.
If the House had to choose, Republican hawks voting for Hillary would bring back the bipartisanship of the Eisenhower years. If Gary would ask Libertarians in Hawaii to vote for Jill the only state Libertarians don't have higher polling numbers than Greens, the next election in America would be multiparty and the rich no longer being able to control things by giving to only two sides.
There is another factor, Evan McMullin, the stop Trump ex-CIA Hawk, has an incredible 26% in Utah breathing down Hillary’s 31%, Utah has six electoral voted the House would quickly vote for him if he was third and if Gary also got six the House would vote for the top four, again picking Evan. A terror attack would make both Evan and Trump get more last minute votes.
Big states in Hillary country New York, New Jersey, and California might vote for Jill to stop Evan from coming in third in Electoral Votes.
Saudi Arabia, ISIS, and Al Qaeda think they have a 10th century mandate to make mortals obey God and God's messenger, more importantly ISIS and al Qaeda are upset that Muslims are less and less respecting their own culture and hope terror can make the world again respect Islam.
Evan McMullin: I don't want you to be President, but thank you for running, and cooling ISIS and al Qaeda's likely plans to bring on the war between civilizations with the help of Donald Trump.
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Stay tuned,
Let's make America a multiparty democracy careful not to help Trump in the process
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