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writing for godot

Lefties must defend Libertarians in this time of crisis, or Bernie Sanders might be next

Written by Richard Kane   
Friday, 07 December 2012 10:59
Maybe Bernie Sanders is next if he refuses to vote ’yes’ on a bad compromise. The right to refuse taken away goes both ways.

See also,

Rep. Justin Amash spent more of his Michigan web site urging Defense cuts then Bernie Sanders does,
We must protest him being kicked off the Budget Committee.

And more importantly besides huge cut back in military waste we must try to work out a joint Libertarian-Left non-pork proposal for budget cuts

Only four libertarians and lefties with a joint alternate shadow committee asking for major defense boondoggle cuts and working together on such other matters as internet prescriptions and overseas health care, in exchange for ending the blockage of Cuba and most favored nation status for that nation instead. Some Seniors are are already stretching their checks by retiring to less safe Mexico.

Maybe hundreds as small savings, like no food stamp purchases of soda, can be added up for a joint proposal for budget cuts with Libertarian Congressional Reps.

Cuba with health care would be tempting and save Medicare.

Even ending the embargo and replacing it with favored nation status might not be enough for Cuba to want to provide such free health care.

So Cubans could end up with passes for US excellent intensive care and the world would be like it should be with different rules and laws in different places supplementing each other your social media marketing partner
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