Intro: "Some days just leave me speechless - Angry - and more than a little pissed off. This little treasure just takes my breath away. In order for 9/11 Responders to receive needed medical care and treatment, they have to be screened against the Department of Homeland Security Terrorism Watch List. It's the law."
A New York City fireman calls for 10 more rescue workers to make their way into the rubble of the World Trade Center, 09/15/01. (photo: Journalist 1st Class Preston Keres/US Navy)
9/11 Responders Are Terrorists?
21 April 11
Reader Supported News | Perspective
ome days just leave me speechless - Angry - and more than a little pissed off.
This little treasure just takes my breath away. In order for 9/11 Responders to receive needed medical care and treatment, they have to be screened against the Department of Homeland Security Terrorism Watch List. It's the law.
Apparently, true patriot Florida Republican Rep. Cliff Stearns, attached an amendment to the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Law that was passed by Congress last May. This amendment bars any and all 9/11 Responders from treatment if they have not been cleared by DHS. Obviously rushing into burning and crumbling skyscrapers to save lives is a suspicious activity that indicates possible ties and sympathy to - terrorists.
Pardon my French, but -- are you fucking kidding me!
And Democrats let this piece of manure pass? The smell didn't bother them?
And where is that grand old "I want my country back-proud to be an American" Tea Party? Did they get lost at a "birther" convention in the Trump Towers?
Honest to God, I don't know what to say about this - this miserly, mean-spirited little Republican representative and his cohorts who seem to enjoy inflicting cruelty and pain on the men and women who risked life and limb to save lives on that horrible day and the days and weeks afterward. This is how we honor their heroism and sacrifice? Really?
This odious piece of excrement stinks to high heaven.
Where are the Democrats? Where is the so-called media? Rachel? Chris? FOX? Where are the rest of us?
Have we become a nation that smears the dead and the very people who risk their lives daily for us in order to save a few pennies or gain political points and increase campaign contributions?
I say get hold of your Congressperson and Senator and demand that this amendment, this insult to 9/11 Responders and their families, be repealed and dumped in the trashcan of false patriotic piety. Let everyone know about this travesty and tell them to put heat on the media to actually use their celebrity status to do some good for their country for a change. Spread the word on every blog you visit.
And then - send it to the headquarters of the Republican and Democratic parties, and especially the White House.
What good will it do?
It can't do any harm.
And it might help us feel like real Americans again.
Even if it's just for a little while.
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