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writing for godot


Friday, 15 November 2013 09:42
Can there be a kind of HUMANITY "PROPERTY" IDENTITY that transcends all other identities? I ask myself what kind of "HUMANITY" do I belong to, and what KIND of HUMANITY property "belongs" to me? My human consciousnessness, my human soul, my human spirit, my human imagination transcends judgement, because it is instinctive, intuitive.

To determine what is or what could be, humanity property, humanity "real estate", my humanity consciousness, etc., asks me, can I even OWN, let alone sell human real estate? Do I, or can anyone, OWN the property of humanity or does the "property" of humanity own me and all of us?

Pierre Joseph Proudhon said "Property is theft!" Perhaps he meant we are premature in owning anything until and unless we "own" and "belong" to our self, our human self, our human consciousness, our human soul, our human spirit, our human imagination, etc.

My human consciousness, soul, etc., may be telling me, may be writing this, in fact., so that instead of DOING the writing here, the writing here may be DOING me! Perhaps my writing is "saying" that I CAN BE an original HUMAN identity to my own consciousness, etc. Until then, I am, or I may be, PRE-HUMAN because instead of being original in my human identity, I DERIVE my IDENTITIES from limitations that are DERIVATIONS of language.

Perhaps I choose to remain my limited derived identities of language and language constructs, because I fear what society and the status quo, etc., judges to be the alternative TO judgment, namely "CHAOS". And so, because if fear, loss of the illusion of control (because how can I have control if and when control HAS me?) I too often settle for being my gender, race, ethnicity, my religion, or absense of same, my class, my nationality, (or emerging multi-transnationality, because I am currently teaching and living in China.)

Is it just me that feels devoid of humanity? Am I trying to fill that void with money, fame, and power? Am I settling for relative life, when I could transcend relativity and BE my absolute limitless HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESSES?

Instead of HAVING any LIMITLESS HUMAN GOALS do I settle for relative goals that keep me limited, a pre-human identity slave? In other words, do I only HAVE identity life, am I as if "DEAD", and have I "died" before I even begin to live?

I ask myself "What is a relative goal?" For me, a relative goal is ANY quality of life issue that involves, EXCESSIVE money, fame, power, etc. For me, the only absolute goals are those involving issues of life or death.

Of course, I can hardly be my human self, or I can hardly even be my pre human identities, for that matter, if my physical basic needs are missing. If I do have basic needs, though, even "self" defense may be unjustified if what I'm "defending" is only an identity that's a kind of practice self, a self with a limited, derived identity.

Absolute, justified issues of life and death only arises, IMHO, if and only if, I am alive in the first place. Unless and until I am my HUMAN identity, it could be said that I'm merely PRACTICING to BE alive. your social media marketing partner
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