Now Is The Time To Bring About Change
Written by Arturo Tha Cuban
Saturday, 22 October 2011 21:37
With the "Occupation" now reaching out all over the globe, one has to wonder what will come of it. With the lack of direction, the burn-outs making us all look like druggies, and now the internal bickering on the Wall Street encampment, it leaves one to seriously think "what else can be done"...
As an American, I feel like we should be leading the pack on this front, but I came to realize that we are the fools in this ordeal. The situation in this country is worse than most other countries around the world. So much so, that illegal immigration from "the border" has been at zero for most of the year. In fact, it looks like we will end the year at zero immigration from Mexico. Has it gotten so bad that life is better in Mexico? Well, let's take a brief look at some of the facts.
In Mexico City for example, the job market is increasingly surpassing the job market in most major cities in America. More people in Mexico have better access to health-care than we do, hourly wages are more than they are here, and the overall cost of living is much cheaper than in the U.S.. When most of the cartels have moved to our side of the border, what does that tell you? It's now easier to run a drug-smuggling ring from the U.S. than it is in Mexico... It's almost unbelievable!
The situation in our country has gotten so bad, that countries we once considered "third-world" are doing better than we are. So what gives you ask? Well, before we jump on the bandwagon of attacking all of the politicians, banks, and Wall Street, stop and think about it. Who let it get this bad? Who let the banks and Wall Street start "buying-in" to Congress, the Senate, and The White House? WE DID! And who can take it back? WE CAN, AND WE WILL!!
Want to know how? Pay attention, not to me (I'm just another pissed-off individual like the rest of you), but to everyone who is proposing constitutional amendments to bring about change. Some proposed amendments like Dylan Ratigan's "Get Money Out" of politics, and Warren Buffets "Congressional Reform Act of 2011", would certainly make a huge difference. And while this could work in theory, I don't think the "monsters" in office (who we elected) will let it happen.
So the next approach from this point is to write, write, write. Give your elected officials hell. I know most people don't think this actually has any effect. But, I can tell you from personal experience that it does. Last year I fought for school finance, and I wrote my elected officials (along with many other people), at the state and federal level. And let me say, that we got plenty of attention for some of our ideas and proposals. Before I knew it, I was in discussions with State Senator Steve Ogden, and I also managed to get the Texas Educators Association (TEA) behind the proposals. With that kind of backing you can bet we were getting some attention. The end result was that the State of Texas increased the budget for public schools, but the Federal Government sent some huge cuts our way.
My point is, that it really is that simple. While my case didn't get all of the results I wanted. We did get the attention of elected officials on a State level and got them to free-up some money from the Permanent Education Fund, which in turn, off-set most of the cuts from our fine Government. While ole' Rick Perry would love to take credit for this, he can't. He wasn't even here. The people are the ones that pulled together and made it happen. He is the biggest "do-nothing" Governor in Texas history, if not U.S. History (but that's another story).
So as they laugh at all of us over the "Occupation", now is the time for the next step. Pestering politicians. Email, write, or call these arrogant schmucks! Flood their offices with your story, your ideas, your solutions, and most importantly your displeasure with the current State of the Union. While it is relatively simple, it only works with numbers. Just like the "Occupation", they won't even look our way if we're not represented by massive numbers. Let's get the "real party" started, and make a difference. Together we can empower our Nation... Now is the time!
Arturo Dominguez
New Politics and New Ideas
Follow us and the movement for change on Facebook, just search for the page "New Politics and New Ideas". The page is a community designed to bring about new ideas and solutions for the issues we face today, in America and around the world. Join us in empowering our Nation and taking the power back!
As an American, I feel like we should be leading the pack on this front, but I came to realize that we are the fools in this ordeal. The situation in this country is worse than most other countries around the world. So much so, that illegal immigration from "the border" has been at zero for most of the year. In fact, it looks like we will end the year at zero immigration from Mexico. Has it gotten so bad that life is better in Mexico? Well, let's take a brief look at some of the facts.
In Mexico City for example, the job market is increasingly surpassing the job market in most major cities in America. More people in Mexico have better access to health-care than we do, hourly wages are more than they are here, and the overall cost of living is much cheaper than in the U.S.. When most of the cartels have moved to our side of the border, what does that tell you? It's now easier to run a drug-smuggling ring from the U.S. than it is in Mexico... It's almost unbelievable!
The situation in our country has gotten so bad, that countries we once considered "third-world" are doing better than we are. So what gives you ask? Well, before we jump on the bandwagon of attacking all of the politicians, banks, and Wall Street, stop and think about it. Who let it get this bad? Who let the banks and Wall Street start "buying-in" to Congress, the Senate, and The White House? WE DID! And who can take it back? WE CAN, AND WE WILL!!
Want to know how? Pay attention, not to me (I'm just another pissed-off individual like the rest of you), but to everyone who is proposing constitutional amendments to bring about change. Some proposed amendments like Dylan Ratigan's "Get Money Out" of politics, and Warren Buffets "Congressional Reform Act of 2011", would certainly make a huge difference. And while this could work in theory, I don't think the "monsters" in office (who we elected) will let it happen.
So the next approach from this point is to write, write, write. Give your elected officials hell. I know most people don't think this actually has any effect. But, I can tell you from personal experience that it does. Last year I fought for school finance, and I wrote my elected officials (along with many other people), at the state and federal level. And let me say, that we got plenty of attention for some of our ideas and proposals. Before I knew it, I was in discussions with State Senator Steve Ogden, and I also managed to get the Texas Educators Association (TEA) behind the proposals. With that kind of backing you can bet we were getting some attention. The end result was that the State of Texas increased the budget for public schools, but the Federal Government sent some huge cuts our way.
My point is, that it really is that simple. While my case didn't get all of the results I wanted. We did get the attention of elected officials on a State level and got them to free-up some money from the Permanent Education Fund, which in turn, off-set most of the cuts from our fine Government. While ole' Rick Perry would love to take credit for this, he can't. He wasn't even here. The people are the ones that pulled together and made it happen. He is the biggest "do-nothing" Governor in Texas history, if not U.S. History (but that's another story).
So as they laugh at all of us over the "Occupation", now is the time for the next step. Pestering politicians. Email, write, or call these arrogant schmucks! Flood their offices with your story, your ideas, your solutions, and most importantly your displeasure with the current State of the Union. While it is relatively simple, it only works with numbers. Just like the "Occupation", they won't even look our way if we're not represented by massive numbers. Let's get the "real party" started, and make a difference. Together we can empower our Nation... Now is the time!
Arturo Dominguez
New Politics and New Ideas
Follow us and the movement for change on Facebook, just search for the page "New Politics and New Ideas". The page is a community designed to bring about new ideas and solutions for the issues we face today, in America and around the world. Join us in empowering our Nation and taking the power back!
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