'A Rose by Any Other Name'

Written by Bishop Andrew Gentry   
Monday, 14 February 2011 07:05
Beloved Friends,

The Immortal Bard penned those famous words several hundred years ago. They have often been quoted both for the sake of clarity of a position and for humor's sake. I thought of these words when I read some of the responses that I received from those who took sharp differences with me in my "episcopal" statement on the suggestion of the right wing evangelical that Jesus was not civil in his discourse. One self described "gentle liberal" are there any other kind (I do not mean that as a compliment!) suggested that I was adding to the "incivility of the day" by my "dogmatic rhetoric". So I thought of the words of Shakespeare. If you have the interest of an earthworm in the politics of the day you are well acquainted with Right Wing Crusade against all things for the Common Good. Programmes for assistance for the elderly and poor to purchase heating oil for example, a programme Mr. Obama the Appeaser has indicated he would cut, social security, medicare,. lunch programmes for children who cannot afford to pay for a meal at school, and on and on are in the crosshairs of the Right Wing musket loving tricorner hat wearing "fiscal conservatives"! For the Christian what does this really mean in terms of a response. It is simple really. Look at the words of the Prophets like Amos and Jeremiah and listen to the words of Jesus in the Gospels.

It is an admittedly curious irony that people who say they believe in social justice and civil liberties and who identify themselves as people of faith many times cannot find these voices mentioned above at the very least or are uncomfortable with them at the very worst! I am sorry if I offend someone but I am not sorry if speak in the name of that which is loving and just and that offends someone! If speaking for that which is good and compassionate betokens incivility then may God increase such "incivility" a thousand fold!

Here is a basic primer if you have difficulties with being "dogmatic" in the name of Love.

If a person by his or her politics and policies take food out of the mouth of children they are evil and what they do is evil!
If a person by his or her politics and policies prevent people from having health care and quality of life they are evil and what they do is evil!
If a person by his or her politics and policies deny a human being the dignity befitting a human being that person is evil and what they believe and do is evil!
If a person by his or her politics and policies allow the poor and children and the elderly along with the voiceless to freeze to death for lack of assistance that person is evil and what they have done in the name of "budgetary restraints" is evil!
If a person by his or her politics and policies love money more than people they are evil and what they do and do not do is evil!
If a person by his or her politics would deny people the opportunity of education they are evil and such denial is evil!
If a person by his or her politics and policies love war rather than peace they are evil.
If a person by his or her politics and policies oppressed the aged and abandoned or homeless they are evil and their oppression is evil!

So you see dearly beloved this life of faith and the values thereto are simple and concise; we either choose a blessing and life or we choose a curse and death! For Christians there is always a cross before there is an empty tomb and as we draw closer to Lent may we remember this.

Bishop Andrew Gentry,
The Church of All Saints and Sorts
A Congregational Catholic Church
An Intentional Eucharistic Community
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