Vote No, Vote No, then Vote Yes to 3rd Party Hope

Written by Richard Kane   
Monday, 01 October 2012 00:29
Mitt Romney the most hawkish Republican candidate since Indian hater Andrew Jackson is heading toward resounding defeat, unless the debates change things, but I am not in the mood to cheer. More than any other President Obama let his diehard supporters down as he chases after swing votes.

Philadelphia has more problems, a Republican-like union-hating Democratic Mayor who fines people for feeding the homeless, New picture voter ID laws that penalizes Philadelphia's extensive public transit system necessitated by all the ancient downtown horse and buggy era roads. And a rural Pennsylvania determined even without the help of Republicanism to stopping state funding for city transit.

As Obama keeps talking of the middle class the poor think it is not their role to vote anymore. Wake up. Every Philadelphian get your picture ID and vote 3rd party instead of staying home. If the Greens and Libertarians total double digit or better yet even each get double digit Obama will have different people to compromise with besides conservative Republicans during his second term, and future US elections will start making a difference after all.

Some are successfully urging several corporations to not sponsor the debates.

Let's have a 10 second ad they could help pay for to vote “No” on two party corruption and tune in to the 3rd party debate to find new hope, after the DemRepub one Oct 3 8:30 to ll:30 Eastern Time and a big one on October 23.

Yes get your Picture ID and vote. Vote No, Vote No, Vote No, and ask your friends to vote no, then investigate the Greens and Libertarians for new hope.

Look at the 3rd party soda cans in the link below for a button that any picture to button stand can produce (such as in the Gallery Mall in downtown Philadelphia),
and make your own new hope button or choose a green or libertarian one. In Utah or Mississippi you can vote for the Justice Party, which will also be in the Oct 3 Democracy Now debate.

Vote, vote and get your friends to vote no to Obama refusing to ever mentioning the poor, vote no to Romney blaming the poor, vote no to the foreign adventures Romney even wants to expand upon, and vote yes to new third party hope. We can make a difference if we try.

By Richard Kane your social media marketing partner
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