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writing for godot

Don't Censor Violent Media - Tax It!

Written by Michael E. Douroux   
Sunday, 06 January 2013 21:32

I spent 25 years as a literary agent representing writers, directors, producers and cinematographers in motion pictures and network prime-time television.

What moves Hollywood is not complicated.

It's time to take off the handcuffs, cross hypocritical ideological barriers which have the people's business tied up in knots in favor of special interests -- and actually get something done.

Balance | Consistency

For those in Hollywood who are proponents of redistributed wealth for the betterment of society, how about a different type of VAT or Violence-Added Tax, on both the purveyors and consumers of violent media to help fund the mental health care system?

We put heavy tax on tobacco to discourage use; we can do the same for gratuitous violence.

Just this past November in Cook County, Ill -- the county that includes Chicago -- the Board of Commissioners passed a "violence tax" on gun sales to defray uninsured hospital costs.

And let's cut through the stall tactic of pitting one scientific study against another with a simple question: Would advertisers pour billions into popular media if it had no impact on behavior?

MPAA and ESRB ratings: False Fronts. How many ushers are standing next to smart devices and in living rooms across America checking I.D.? On the downside of pervasive technological communication, it is glaringly obvious that all best efforts by parents at controlling what their children are exposed to way before they are ready to handle it are now at a built-in disadvantage. The violence peddlers know this and, more importantly, count on it! Is the village going to look the other way or step in and give a helping hand?

If the costs to society from obesity, diabetes, etc., is the premise of those who want to control what is fed to bodies, then, for the exact same reason, what is fed to minds -- particularly the young who are the most vulnerable -- is on the table.

Hollywood's Golden Age of Gratuitous Violence

We get how in the name of "art" it is part of the free market of ideas to both cultivate and appeal to prurient interests as the path of least resistance to big box office.

However, as far as owning the personal responsibility that goes with it, it's interesting to watch how Hollywood's elite are now desperately trying to twist, turn and distract their way out of the hypocritical trap they have placed themselves in.

Any national debate over violence in America that does not join at the hip Hollywood's cash cow of glorified, romanticized human slaughter will be just another slick political exercise in hypocritical nothingness.

"Marketing Murder"

The weekend after the Dec. 14 shootings in Newtown, Conn. -- which left 26 people dead, including 20 children -- Obama aide David Axelrod tweeted, "In NFL post-game: an ad for shoot 'em up video game. All for curbing weapons of war. But shouldn’t we also quit marketing murder as a game?”

When it comes to selling murder as entertainment, human beings are fair game? Imagine, if the target of Hollywood's on-screen violence were animals, would it be tolerated?

Up to this point, all appeals for some decency and self-restraint on the part of the violence peddlers have been gunned down by naked greed.

So, if greed is the clear driver of a problem that is poisoning our culture every second of every day, let's get real about a solution that deals directly with greed on its own terms.

It's time for a real game-changer; it's time to put a tax on violent media to the test.

Check out the Los Angeles Times article from 1999 entitled "Violence Tax Can Stem the Killing"

Michael E. Douroux
Corona del Mar, CA your social media marketing partner
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