I am not gay after all!

Written by Bishop Andrew Gentry   
Wednesday, 29 February 2012 06:32
Seems that a day does not go by where there is not a "gay" related story. If you are politically correct sort of person you have to be certain to have the L to come before the G and just to cover everyone you have to include the Q and I forget the latest letter to be attached to the "logo". Funny thing about stereotypes is that they are exactly that. But they sale and sale well. Everyone raves about the ABC sitcom "Modern Family" yet all it does is perpetuate the stereotype of the effeminate queen. Both of the characters who supposedly represent the gay male couple are precisely that with the physically stronger of the two being even more stereotypical than the character who is a lawyer. In case you have not noticed even all the friends of this couple are silly ostentatious effeminate queens. Makes for a good drag show but not certain how much it advances the cause of justice let alone acceptance. In fact it is perfectly OK to perpetuate this stereotype but what would happen if the couple were Black or Latino and their roles reflected the racist attitudes of many many Americans, it would not last even two weeks! But perhaps I am not the person to address this question since according to the Politically Correct self appointed politicos I am not gay! Despite having been a member of the Mattchine Society when I was 18 way back in 65, having been terminated from a police department because I was "gay", and even despite being the second openly "gay" candidate for the local city council it appears that I was wrong all the time. According to the litmus test of the day being gay for a male and only for a male, women fit a different category, you must embrace a cheap form of culturally defined alternative mannerisms and speech which is not male but most definitely not Lesbian! Or to put it another way you have to love drag, call men girls and girl friends and have your nose stuck up so high you would drown in a dense fog!
I just do not "get it". I thought mistakenly so apparently, that the only difference in me and my straight male friends was they found women attractive and fulfilling and for me it was males. All these years I was wrong. Oh well for all those guys out there who feel as I do I guess we are just old fashioned homosexuals which still seem to bother the right wingers even more than gay people do!
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