Wise up, America
I want life to be a good time. Not a chore but an adventure. It’s not forever, and what there is of it should be rich. Think of bathing in beauty. And accomplishing things. On the march toward what Charles Eisenstein calls “the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible,” a leap is in order to where a feeling of connection would be omnipresent. I want to help that leap come about.
It was eye-opening to listen to a panel after the State of the Union address. When asked if they would vote for Trump in 2020, the six Republicans gave rousing yeses. They’d previously dwelt on how happy they were with the economy – the stock market, employment, impending tax savings. They don’t pay attention to anything but money. They don’t care what lies Trump tells. They’re not evaluating their support with that in mind. As we grow blue in the face trying to impress them with Trump’s inadequacies, we might as well be speaking Chinese. Nothing we say matters. Other people don’t matter. The health of the planet doesn’t matter The only thing that matters is what makes people richer.
Whatever we do should be informed by the understanding that the Trump electorate only pays attention to the material world. When we put our heads together, we shouldn’t spend any energy trying to convince people of how anti-Trump they should be. Trump people don’t even care about Trump. It’s just that he’s the President and the economy is doing well. For the rest of us, it’s a graphic example of what a worldview based on materialism gets you, and it tells us we should be as creative as we can be about shifting from a greed-based worldview to where caring about each other is as important as caring about ourselves.
Another thought is about a change of personal perception that would help with that. Get that you’re of the vastness that birthed you, that’s holding you and feeding you while you live along. Most people think of life as seeking – for success, for self-improvement, for enlightenment – but, instead, think of being in the good stuff. Relax, stay calm, trust your envelopment in the source, and do your best. Recognize obstacles but don’t identify with them. Your life isn’t the duality of you against the universe, struggling and even breaking through. No, it’s you recognizing you are the miracle that life is, ever aware of your anchor in stardust as you field any blows that come along.
Article by Suzanne Taylor
Producer, Filmmaker, Speaker, Author
Shifting to a compassion-based worldview
How can we turn the world around? Let’s shape our thoughts for what can be.
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