Occupy Birth Pains

Written by Bishop Andrew Gentry   
Tuesday, 15 November 2011 06:24
Beloved Friends,

As many of you may know nationwide there has an eviction of the Occupy encampments. Many of us believe that this is a coordinated effort designed to destroy the Movement. This will not happen. Just as in the 60s when the Civil Rights Movement and later the Anti- War Movement would experience changes in structure and focus and yes even tactics with the comings and goings of many leaders and participants ,the Movements would none the less remain essentially unchanged with regards to the goals of both. So too is the Occupy Movement beginning to see its own metamorphosis be set in motion. For the most radical the Movement in its tactics is not radical enough because for these people even armed rebellion is, as the diplomats say, not off the table! For others such talk is disturbing and it is cause for leave taking but for the vast majority of people Occupy is simply being born amidst all the injustice and inequities and fakeness of our modern society. Occupy will become more fully perhaps a state of mind rather than place and the encampment will be highly mobile and both viral and real.

Typically both the "church" and "State" has completely underestimated the passion and dedication of those of us who see Occupy as the beginning of a radical restructuring of a morally bankrupt system and culture. Politicians are frightened and attracted by us and rarely do they understand what is really fermenting in the words and chants and feelings of our General Assemblies. The clerics who have remained on the sidelines even when we have been threatened and harmed perhaps will see a repeat of the cowardice of the religious establishment that remained silent even during the lynching of innocent men and women! At the very least it can be hoped that they will understand that if you seek to save your life you will surely lose it!

We have reached a point in human history where we must choose either a blessing and life or a curse and death. The Spirit like a rushing wind is trying to get the attention of those who claim a moral authority. Sadly these people instead walk naked as the Emperor's New Clothes amongst the People of God.

Is Occupy dying? Absolutely not it is only beginning to learn to walk just before it learns to fly.

Bishop Andrew Gerales Gentry
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