Mumia and his Estranged Brother Billy and Crying Wolf Too Much

Written by Richard Kane   
Wednesday, 24 June 2015 05:59

There has been two important changes in the Mumia abu Jamal death-row to lifer saga that very much may relate. He and his Billy' s estranged relationship mended, and suddenly allowed no contact with the outside world while being under systematically unhealthy life shorting conditions. Mummia and Billy chose the opposite paths in life, similar to one brother from the hood ending up a cop and the other a hood. Mumia a revolutionary and Billy Cook's news-stand serviced corrupt cops.

Mumia never mentioned his brother unless he had to. Ever since 1981 other important details were not mentioned as well. Year after year most reviews assumed that the incident had to be a chance encounter, but 4 AM when the after hours bars closed was where Mumia tried to be to pick up lucrative fares. and thus a setting for anyone who wanted to harass Mumia or set up an incident. Mumia never mentions seeing his brother bleeding until it was between the legs of the officers beating Mumia, which is logically not the first time.

BAfter 25 years of claiming “They are trying to silence me” powerful people are suddenly very afraid of something he might say.

For years Officer Danny Faulkner's wife Maureen has been claiming that Mumia and Mumia supporters have been harassing her. Actually belittling Daniel Faulkner’s memory by implying that Mumia's predicament had nothing to do with the fact that Daniel Faulkner is dead and many believe Mumia responsible. All this could quickly change if I am right, that the one detail Mumia dreaded mentioning was his brother involved in harassing him has finely healed.

An article that I remember that Mumia enthusiasts never bonded with from 1979 or 80 was of the police storming Mumia's mother's highrise public housing apartment and demanding in front of her neighbors that she stop her son from reporting on the police. Something Billy with a news-stand servicing corrupt cops would be happy to try. Note Billy gave two slighting conflicting affidavits, in one he mentioned his friends in the police, which were never published side by side, or any even public note of the differences.

I met Mumia over a year before his arrest in 1979 or early 80 right before Community Underground Newspaper then on Walnut Street when Bread and Roses contributed $300 expansion money, but despite or because of the Bread and Roses infusion it soon went bankrupt. Mumia welcomed the ideal of expansion. I and the other Community Newspaper volunteers were ecstatic that a real reporter and commentary joined our volunteer team. Mumia at that point had a gentle penetration and persuasive voice. Expressing anger at Capitalism not people caught up with it. Mayor Rizzo lashed out on Mumia personally, but Mumia refused to ever get personal back. Then there was a newspaper story of the police storming Mumia's high-rise public housing apartment and in front of her neighbors demanding that she stop her son from criticizing the police. I'm sure they never got her to comply. Mumia switched to criticizing civilization instead of capitalism. After his arrest he would when taken from jail to a courtroom publicity claim that a policeman's life was sacrificed to silence John Africa's truths. To me making it clear he had seen a wounded police officer assassinated at close range by a previously uninvolved individual.

I didn't like the changes Move was making in Mumia and said so in and article the Philadelphia Tribune published as a headline article. When I went to pick up my story at the Philadelphia Tribune Move of picketing demanding “Why they published as article by an amateur not Mumia”. Crossing the picket line I was pulled to the ground pulling me down, i.e. beating me up according to the next headline. Both headline articles now missing from the Tribune microfilm at the main library even though every issue appears, meaning somehow the first page of two issues had to be spiced over. Over the years there was intense efforts to get my copies of my article away from me. Pam Africa obviously remembers because she was involved. But doesn't see the significance of both article missing from microfilm. Noelle Hanrah of prison radio liked a recent comment and after talking she was going to meet me, and said she would mention me on her next frequent visits to Mumia. Calling her back she said “Never call here again” meaning Mumia is still mad at me. The hatred toward his brother must have been overwhelming over the years. I hope this article will make someone with a good memory come forward. Even if no originals are ever found spliced microfilm can be detected, and if someone spliced it a microscope would show it.

Since Mumia's arrest a number of false charges haven't been corrected such as Mumia harassing r Officer Faulkner's wife. By ignoring Danny's death as part of the reasons for Mumia's plight. And brand new crimes commented as part of keeping the truth under wraps. I can document some of them.

I was arrested at the barricades back during the August 8 1978 Move police confrontation when someone from afar began firing behind the police Move line. I badly needed a good lawyer but ended up getting Kalvin Kahn as my landlord at 526 South 45th Street instead. Move used to fight with their court appointed lawyer as the greatest enemy of them all by creating the illusion that civilization was capable of being fair. Kalvin and his Move client got along he told of his longing to get away from civilization to a South Sea island while. they said that John Africa proves you can a get away from the evil’s of civilization simply by throwing off your blinders. To his chagrin he was reward with dozens of more Move clients. By 2006 I had saved his life several times by calling 9/11. He kept the front door shades open, And a couple of times he didn't answer the bell I check to make sure he as out. Once I went with him by cab to Thomas Jefferson emergency room where he fell asleep on the wheel chair they had provided. When they finally took his vital signs they suddenly cut off his clothes in hast to treat him.

The Friday before before Kalvin Kahn my key to his apartment was missing from the key hook I kept it on. His key draw mysteriously had no more keys. The key store on the corner had just closed. And he didn't want me to take his last key to a far away key shop to copy. The mail carier Richard who I later met when I was at Sidney Hillman 22 South 22nd Street can testify that Saturday was the first day he ever saw the front shades drawn. Kalvin was lying where I could have seen him if the shades had not been drawn. Sunday I banged on Kalvin's door saying open up or I'll call the police and they will break it down. Kalvin got a new dirt cheap new handyman with three dogs, claiming to be homeless, and Kalvin kept his dogs without charge when he had a court hearing. Sunday morning when I knock on Kalvin's yelling and banging open up or I'll call the cops and they will brake in. The handyman was working on the repairing the front door bell that Sunday a strange time to do repairs when he said he hadn't seen Kalvin that Sunday. He said that Kalvin's new girl friend had a key. He demanded to go to my room to call her because he didn't give out her number. Refusing to go instead to the corner gas station. Instead I attached a 100 foot extension cord to my then land phone 215-387-7907. He talked to Claudia for so long (or a monologue) that I left him on the phone, running to the pay phone to hysterically call 911 instead. Two hours later no police officer or ambulance and on second call was told that someone phoned in right before I did and said that Kalvin wasn't seen for two days it's probably nothing but should be checked. That call was first it took priority. If it was on my land-phone I believe it is proof of systematically wanting Kalvin dead. If it was his cell phone later talking the executor in letting him work cleaning out Kalvin's apartment then getting his food-stamp, then moving his stuff in and refusing to leave. Welfare Fraud if not murder. Then a shady businessman I found out later bought the place for top dollar, under the condition that both I and the handyman who I decided ,not to mention his name at this time left by a certain date. He put up a huge 800 house for sale banner tied to the tree with the buyers name on it. So he is running this and a few other errands for therealtor who officially won't pay anything until he moves. Fraud in every direction and if the phone call to 911 was from my land phone a minute before I called from the corner Sunoco A Plus Mini Market then payphone. The coroner and police refused to call preventing me from again saving his life to be murder but I did not emphasize checking to see if he made a casual call to 911call on my land-phone, a minute before my hysterical call on the pay phone.

The only thing in the way would be the 911 audio missing and evidence that a single person got food stamps at 526 S 45th Street after Kalvin died. But if Pam and Noelle Hanrah could be encouraged to know it is important and every Move member there make a statement about their experience when picketing the Philadelphia Tribune, the less the paper evidence would turn into proof that the material evidence was stolen. your social media marketing partner
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