John Stumpf, Wells Fargo CEO: People Of Color Are Tired Of Being Profiled So You Can Take Our Homes!
Thursday, 25 July 2013 19:03
[To experience the Stumpfville action, please view the accompanying video)
Saturday, July 20, 2013. Enjoying the plush Queen Anne fireside chair in his condo perched atop a fortressed high rise on San Francisco's elite Russian Hill, Wells Fargo Bank's CEO John Stumpf savored afternoon coffee.
A booming voice shattered Peace 24 stories below.
“Banks are too big to fail. But, are they too big to jail?”
A thunderous NO! from a throng.
Chilled, Stumpf recognized the intonations of His Eminence Archbishop Franzo Wayne King of John Coltrane African Orthodox Church in the Fillmore District. Wells Fargo had torturously drawn out for years the preacher's subprime loan modification.
Stumpf recalled a sunny Saturday, Feb. 25, 2012, 17 months before. A raucous rabble organized by ACCE [Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment] and Occupy Bernal Heights gathered in a street theater auction of his top floor condo. Their humiliating bids included a jail cell, 'one pigfoot,', 'one American nightmare,' 'a one-way ticket to hell,' and the 'five security guards' straddling Stumpf's 1090 Chestnut entrance.
Today, a horde of Bay Area ACCE and Occupy Bernal homeowners, poor and of color, had again gathered. These community unions had successfully stolen back 50+ Bay Area foreclosed homes from banks.
Pacific winds lashed Stumpf's highrise opposite Alcatraz lifting outraged cries from 'little people' far below whose homes and bones Stumpf had picked clean. The Vulture Bankster peered down, alarmed, from his gust-buffeted window.
In their earliest January 2012 assault, Stumpf's 16th and Mission branch manager reported “foreclosure fighters” climbed onto the bank roof and read demands to meet with that rabble and;
1. Implement a full principle reduction program, using principle as a reduction strategy to prevent foreclosures.
2. Publicly report Wells Fargo's foreclosure and relief data, by race, income, and zip code.
3. Immediately halt all foreclosures until those two mandates were honored and all bank violations ceased.
Preposterous! Like, he was going to take that deal?!
People who Stumpf had racially profiled and tossed like trash from their Richmond, Oakland, and San Francisco's Fillmore and Bayview-Hunters Point homes, were erecting a 'Stumpfville village.' They planned to move into his 'hood and ban Wells Fargo from its leadership as the worst predatory home foreclosure bank.
Stumpf squirmed hearing Manuela Alvarez, proclaim, “He's against Black, Latino, and anybody not white.”
Then, Tanya Dennis, called herself 'The Black Face of Foreclosure.'
Echoing George Zimmerman's profiling and gun murder of young Trayvon Martin, Dennis schooled Stumpf, “African Americans are tired of being profiled to take our homes!
“African-Americans are six percent of the population in California, but they got 55.3 percent of the predatory loans,” Dennis announced.
Her accusations mounted.
“John Stumpf! Wells Fargo got sued for $175 million dollars (for discriminatory lending) by the Justice Department, and they won!
“John Stumpf! Baltimore sued you for $7 million dollars for discrimination against African Americans and Latinos, and they won!
“John Stumpf! What do you have to say?
In 2011, after the Justice Department sued him for discriminatory subprime mortgage lending, he fired a few 'Bad Apple' managers and patched together a Diversity program with a few 'ethnicities' in it.
When Big Banks and Wall Street torpedoed the economy, said ACCE organizer, Grace Martinez, Wells Fargo sold predatory mortgage loans to 10,000 Californians – mostly poor, elder, or people of color. Concealing confusing variable interest rates, brokers pushed retirees to fix a roof or install a stair lift for a disabled spouse.
Between 2008 and 2012, California experienced two million foreclosures. One high level Wells Fargo employee told her, “Some people shouldn't own houses.”
“Let's stop blaming the victim,” Martinez Insisted. “Two million people did not conspire to crash the economy and default.”
Said Tanya Dennis, “[Wells Fargo] decided they were going to give us these predatory loans --- one to my mother, an 86-year-old woman with prime credit. They gave her an $800,000 loan” “almost three times what her fixed income was worth --- $2,600 a month. They set her up for failure. They do this throughout our communities of color.”
San Francisco nurse Gladys DeWitt hiked from her Mission District home to General Hospital for 20 years. Over the last three years her mortgage rate rose three times a year.
“Now I am disabled and cannot do overtime. But, [Wells Fargo] can keep going up and up --- from $1,400 to $2,300.
“Oh, well! I guess I'll join the homeless people, but I sure in the hell don't want to!”
Martinez remarked, “A senior, losing their home issue of life and death. You're at the brink of homelessness.
“Gladys is doing everything she can to modify this loan. Something like this that's already difficult is aggravating her disability.”
Homeowners nationwide, along with California's poor, elders, and people of color, wage stressful, protracted modification negotiation battles with banks, among whom Wells Fargo has the worst record.
Typically, homeowners get modifications after two or three years. People lose their hair and endure massive health problems from stress, said Martinez.
King bull-horned, “John Stumpf, we've got San Francisco's Finest out here.”
He pointed toward cops massed across Chestnut. “We've got 'em over there!”
He swiveled, directing his finger at the sidewalk police contingent. “They're here!”
“They've come to drag you out of your mansion and take you to jail. They're just waitin' on us to give 'em the signal!”
Cops stepped forward. The Archbishop cocked his palm.
“We're holding them off!
“Stand fast, men. Not yet!
“He might repent and do the right thing!”
These insignificant tiny terrorists far below frightened Stumpf. Wealth somehow calmed him.
He blocked the fleeting fear that, in some Twilight Zone Justice, homeowner cops might evict or toss him into the sidewalk 'jail' these invaders erected.
King noted that no humbled humanized man emerged from 1090 Chestnut's arched portico.
“San Francisco's Finest is tired of watching Zillionaires stomp on poor people!” King shouted.
“I spit on the sidewalk; I get a ticket.
“This guy spits on the People; He doesn't get anything!
“We called the Police Department out here. We got Special Security. We're gonna drag him out and put him in jail!”
HURRAH! Condo Canyon echoed.
Stumpf trembled in his 24th story window. His spiritual nemesis Archbishop King bellowed up at him, “Thank God for the Police! We're driving you out of there, man! You're going to jail today!”
During Wells Fargo's agonizingly drawn-out loan modification process, stolen homes are often sold at auction without informing homeowners.
The intrepid Tanya Dennis asserted,“Wells Fargo stole my home. It was sold on January 10th, 28 days before the auction date. I have them in Court for discrimination, elder abuse, fraud, Quiet Title --- [and] robo-signing.”
'WOW!' Exclaimed one awed voice.
Tanya continued. “They knew that possession is nine-tenths of the law, so they decided to possess the house because they were in a long fight with me.
“I'm going to sit myself down and make myself comfortable. I'm going to be here awhile. [John Stumpf] stole my house. I'm going to move into his."
Archbishop King and Gladys raised their jazz singin' voices.”
“Come right in! Sit right down, and make yourself at home!
“John Stumpf can't be here all alone.”
Tanya Sat Right Down on the sidewalk among her Brother and Sister foreclosure fighters.
Chants rang terrifyingly louder.
“No foreclosures! No short sales. Send the Bankers straight to jail!
“Wells Fargo, you can't hide! We can see your greedy side!”
In the high reaches of his upper crusty mansion, John Stumpf trembled in terrible fear of Eternal Retribution. He knew his sins against the People, The Almighty, and his own Soul were Great. For, Stumpf had been. from his boyhood days on the farm, a God-fearing Sunday Churchgoer. Truth To Tell, he foresaw his descent into the pits of Hell where he realized he was inexorably bound.
Saturday, July 20, 2013. Enjoying the plush Queen Anne fireside chair in his condo perched atop a fortressed high rise on San Francisco's elite Russian Hill, Wells Fargo Bank's CEO John Stumpf savored afternoon coffee.
A booming voice shattered Peace 24 stories below.
“Banks are too big to fail. But, are they too big to jail?”
A thunderous NO! from a throng.
Chilled, Stumpf recognized the intonations of His Eminence Archbishop Franzo Wayne King of John Coltrane African Orthodox Church in the Fillmore District. Wells Fargo had torturously drawn out for years the preacher's subprime loan modification.
Stumpf recalled a sunny Saturday, Feb. 25, 2012, 17 months before. A raucous rabble organized by ACCE [Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment] and Occupy Bernal Heights gathered in a street theater auction of his top floor condo. Their humiliating bids included a jail cell, 'one pigfoot,', 'one American nightmare,' 'a one-way ticket to hell,' and the 'five security guards' straddling Stumpf's 1090 Chestnut entrance.
Today, a horde of Bay Area ACCE and Occupy Bernal homeowners, poor and of color, had again gathered. These community unions had successfully stolen back 50+ Bay Area foreclosed homes from banks.
Pacific winds lashed Stumpf's highrise opposite Alcatraz lifting outraged cries from 'little people' far below whose homes and bones Stumpf had picked clean. The Vulture Bankster peered down, alarmed, from his gust-buffeted window.
In their earliest January 2012 assault, Stumpf's 16th and Mission branch manager reported “foreclosure fighters” climbed onto the bank roof and read demands to meet with that rabble and;
1. Implement a full principle reduction program, using principle as a reduction strategy to prevent foreclosures.
2. Publicly report Wells Fargo's foreclosure and relief data, by race, income, and zip code.
3. Immediately halt all foreclosures until those two mandates were honored and all bank violations ceased.
Preposterous! Like, he was going to take that deal?!
People who Stumpf had racially profiled and tossed like trash from their Richmond, Oakland, and San Francisco's Fillmore and Bayview-Hunters Point homes, were erecting a 'Stumpfville village.' They planned to move into his 'hood and ban Wells Fargo from its leadership as the worst predatory home foreclosure bank.
Stumpf squirmed hearing Manuela Alvarez, proclaim, “He's against Black, Latino, and anybody not white.”
Then, Tanya Dennis, called herself 'The Black Face of Foreclosure.'
Echoing George Zimmerman's profiling and gun murder of young Trayvon Martin, Dennis schooled Stumpf, “African Americans are tired of being profiled to take our homes!
“African-Americans are six percent of the population in California, but they got 55.3 percent of the predatory loans,” Dennis announced.
Her accusations mounted.
“John Stumpf! Wells Fargo got sued for $175 million dollars (for discriminatory lending) by the Justice Department, and they won!
“John Stumpf! Baltimore sued you for $7 million dollars for discrimination against African Americans and Latinos, and they won!
“John Stumpf! What do you have to say?
In 2011, after the Justice Department sued him for discriminatory subprime mortgage lending, he fired a few 'Bad Apple' managers and patched together a Diversity program with a few 'ethnicities' in it.
When Big Banks and Wall Street torpedoed the economy, said ACCE organizer, Grace Martinez, Wells Fargo sold predatory mortgage loans to 10,000 Californians – mostly poor, elder, or people of color. Concealing confusing variable interest rates, brokers pushed retirees to fix a roof or install a stair lift for a disabled spouse.
Between 2008 and 2012, California experienced two million foreclosures. One high level Wells Fargo employee told her, “Some people shouldn't own houses.”
“Let's stop blaming the victim,” Martinez Insisted. “Two million people did not conspire to crash the economy and default.”
Said Tanya Dennis, “[Wells Fargo] decided they were going to give us these predatory loans --- one to my mother, an 86-year-old woman with prime credit. They gave her an $800,000 loan” “almost three times what her fixed income was worth --- $2,600 a month. They set her up for failure. They do this throughout our communities of color.”
San Francisco nurse Gladys DeWitt hiked from her Mission District home to General Hospital for 20 years. Over the last three years her mortgage rate rose three times a year.
“Now I am disabled and cannot do overtime. But, [Wells Fargo] can keep going up and up --- from $1,400 to $2,300.
“Oh, well! I guess I'll join the homeless people, but I sure in the hell don't want to!”
Martinez remarked, “A senior, losing their home issue of life and death. You're at the brink of homelessness.
“Gladys is doing everything she can to modify this loan. Something like this that's already difficult is aggravating her disability.”
Homeowners nationwide, along with California's poor, elders, and people of color, wage stressful, protracted modification negotiation battles with banks, among whom Wells Fargo has the worst record.
Typically, homeowners get modifications after two or three years. People lose their hair and endure massive health problems from stress, said Martinez.
King bull-horned, “John Stumpf, we've got San Francisco's Finest out here.”
He pointed toward cops massed across Chestnut. “We've got 'em over there!”
He swiveled, directing his finger at the sidewalk police contingent. “They're here!”
“They've come to drag you out of your mansion and take you to jail. They're just waitin' on us to give 'em the signal!”
Cops stepped forward. The Archbishop cocked his palm.
“We're holding them off!
“Stand fast, men. Not yet!
“He might repent and do the right thing!”
These insignificant tiny terrorists far below frightened Stumpf. Wealth somehow calmed him.
He blocked the fleeting fear that, in some Twilight Zone Justice, homeowner cops might evict or toss him into the sidewalk 'jail' these invaders erected.
King noted that no humbled humanized man emerged from 1090 Chestnut's arched portico.
“San Francisco's Finest is tired of watching Zillionaires stomp on poor people!” King shouted.
“I spit on the sidewalk; I get a ticket.
“This guy spits on the People; He doesn't get anything!
“We called the Police Department out here. We got Special Security. We're gonna drag him out and put him in jail!”
HURRAH! Condo Canyon echoed.
Stumpf trembled in his 24th story window. His spiritual nemesis Archbishop King bellowed up at him, “Thank God for the Police! We're driving you out of there, man! You're going to jail today!”
During Wells Fargo's agonizingly drawn-out loan modification process, stolen homes are often sold at auction without informing homeowners.
The intrepid Tanya Dennis asserted,“Wells Fargo stole my home. It was sold on January 10th, 28 days before the auction date. I have them in Court for discrimination, elder abuse, fraud, Quiet Title --- [and] robo-signing.”
'WOW!' Exclaimed one awed voice.
Tanya continued. “They knew that possession is nine-tenths of the law, so they decided to possess the house because they were in a long fight with me.
“I'm going to sit myself down and make myself comfortable. I'm going to be here awhile. [John Stumpf] stole my house. I'm going to move into his."
Archbishop King and Gladys raised their jazz singin' voices.”
“Come right in! Sit right down, and make yourself at home!
“John Stumpf can't be here all alone.”
Tanya Sat Right Down on the sidewalk among her Brother and Sister foreclosure fighters.
Chants rang terrifyingly louder.
“No foreclosures! No short sales. Send the Bankers straight to jail!
“Wells Fargo, you can't hide! We can see your greedy side!”
In the high reaches of his upper crusty mansion, John Stumpf trembled in terrible fear of Eternal Retribution. He knew his sins against the People, The Almighty, and his own Soul were Great. For, Stumpf had been. from his boyhood days on the farm, a God-fearing Sunday Churchgoer. Truth To Tell, he foresaw his descent into the pits of Hell where he realized he was inexorably bound.
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