This is NOT about Abortion. It is about Equality

Written by Ilene Flannery Wells   
Saturday, 13 October 2012 17:43
When Paul "Rape is a Method of Conception" Ryan looked into the camera and said this of the legality of abortion:

"We don't think that unelected judges should make this determination. People through there elected representatives and reaching a consensus in society through the democratic process should make this determination."    

He was telling women and girls that they are second class citizens.

This is not about Abortion or Contraception (one in the same to Ryan)

This is about Equality

No government, religious institution, or person has the right to dictate the decisions I make about my health care and my life.  My uterus, my body, my castle, my life.  I stand my ground.

Gun owners feel this way, and they have the right to own a gun, even at the risk that living breathing lives, innocent lives will die.  Gun owners may kill a person by accident, standing their ground...and both political parties protect this right.  Children are dying through accidental discharge. Massacres at movie theaters and schools. Lost guns are used in crimes.  People commit suicide.  

These are all the risks of having guns in our society, and everyone seems to accept this because neither side spoke out after the Colorado movie theatre shooting to any significant extent, beyond expressing condolences. There was no increased talk about sensible gun laws from either party after the shooting, and guns have not been brought up during the debates despite the number of lives lost to guns each year.

And yet Ryan and Romney believe that they, and members of Congress, have the right to pass laws that dictate, what health care procedures and medicines women can and cannot have. Laws which affect their very destiny, by forcing them to bear children (a potentially life threatening condition) against their will.

Ryan and Romney hold the "life" of a clump of cells, a fetus, above the host in which it grows...yes, that is all we are to Ryan and Romney.  

We are second class citizens who are either too stupid or immoral to make these decisions on our own, so Ryan and Romney feel they have to protect society from us and legislate against us.  

I did not abdicate my rights. My rights trump the perceived "rights" of a fetus. There, I said it. your social media marketing partner
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