I Long to Be a Young US Nurse With Ebola

Written by Richard Kane   
Sunday, 26 October 2014 00:45
To me it would be like winning the lottery to get to see the President

The UN is hiring Ebola survivors to work without masks and gloves with sick infants. This for me would be fun, or should I say fulfilling. It would be exciting for me instead of being an old man whose computer is my window to the world, to be young Nina Pham an Ebola survivor being hugged by the President. She only had what felt like a flu for a week and officially sick for only twelve days. If she, and any medical worker who was given fast response intervention, had Malaria or Cholera instead, often confused with Ebola symptom-wise they wouldn't be cured in less then two weeks. Before Ebola, who ever heard of a disease called serious where those with intense rapid response care are cured quickly? However if I manage to catch Ebola, since my age is actually 68, I might end up with far longer incapacitation.

If the Blame-Obama folk win the upcoming election I would fear getting Ebola without proper health insurance.

I pity those in Africa without health care and likely poor nutrition, to catch Ebola then survive then treated like a zombie who rose from the dead. No one would hug me, much less the President of my African country. Massive, simultaneous increase of Ebola, Malaria, cholera, TB and HIV laced in with spots of extreme hunger might or might not spawn a pandemic,

But the danger isn't going to start in this country. Americans keeping as far away from Ebola as possible will not make us live longer.

Every county has it's own problems. What Muslim traveler fulfilling their lifetime dream to visit Mecca would want their plans sqashed because they have what just might be a harmless fever? This may be the only moment when many in the US are cheering the decisions of the King of Saudi Arabia. But put yourself in the victim's shoes, such as a sick Catholic being denied a once in the lifetime opportunity to visit with the Pope. However there is a danger that a group from Sierra Leona mght sneak in, then go to great lengths, to keep this a secret after one of then got a fever.

I predict in less than a month maybe before the November election the panic will evaporate. Who else out there is longing to be an Ebola celebrity? Could I dare imagine that poor healthcare workers in Africa might petition to attend Ebola boot camp? I hope spreading my dream around would cool the upcoming elections where otherwise the most hysterical candidates might win. I hope spreading my dream around would cool the upcoming election rather the more hysterical candidate being more likely to win
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