There Is Too Big to Fail and There Are Important People Who Never Go to Jail

Written by Richard Kane   
Sunday, 27 July 2014 09:54
People complain of Reagan and his possible treason in the Iranian Hostage Crisis and almost dead Dick Cheney not being impeached for hiding in a bunker during 9/11 etc. However there are some very healthy criminals that need to be put in jail.

I will start off in Philadelphia where I live. The Feds have prosecuted traffic court judges but not Richard Basciano who demanded the porn store next to the Salvation Army in Philadelphia to be totally demolished the day it collapsed on the Salvation Army where recently a badly injured person just became the 7th murder victim. Two small contractors are facing murder charges, in pretrial detention as the trial date has yet to be set,

City Prosecutor Seth Williams' grand jury is going after two workers instead of the property owner on murder charges, the state and Federal Persecutors haven't gotten involved,

Richard Basiciano went to the demolition site before the wall of the being demolished porn shop fell on the Salvation Army and demanding it be torn down that day or the workers wouldn't be paid. The crane operator was Sean Benshop,100% of Sean Benschop's official salary was being seized for back taxes, being totally dependent on the cash Richard Basiciano gave him daily. Richard Basicino who owned most of the 2100 and some of he 2200 block of Market Street in Philadelphia, made money from increasing property values caused by the gentrification the closing of the Salvation Army caused,

There was also a football star that the past tough cookie prosecutor Lynne Abraham refused to try for murder, but did prosecute a rap music star under the same circumstances,

On another subject, Michel Jackson's sister La Toya feared the record industry wanted Michael Jackson dead by giving him ridiculous demands to make up for each rehearsal he missed. His doctor Dr. Conrad Murphy was weening him off of anesthesia while Michael was looking for more elsewhere. The night he died of an overdose Conrad received a phone call on a fantastic business deal distracting him while he was trying to watch Michael. Now La Toya has nothing against Dr. Conrad. If she spoke up during the trial the real murderers would have been investigated,

The relatives of the people of the Salvation Army collapse can only get justice against Richard Basiciano if they come to crane operator Sean Benshop's defense during his upcoming trial instead of after he goes to jail.

It is a shame that the Salvation Army is spending money it used to give poor people and gave up the property for a park that Rickard Basiciano will never let be built unless it is some kind of place behind a locked fence to keep the poor out.

I wish people who rehash old conspiracies would look at the fresh ones while the criminals are still alive and in good health. Please readers post about other powerful criminals that have been too big to be put in jail. your social media marketing partner
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