Presidential Debate, 3rd Parties Got a boost, Now Are Contenders

Written by Richard Kane   
Sunday, 09 October 2016 12:59

The third parties do to the destructive debate are bond to suddenly do better in the polls. If there is a deadlock and neither gets 270 electoral votes, the House of Representatives will leave the Presidency vacant before they vote for Trump. If Hillary is as much a hawk as she sounded the country might be better off with no President if a majority won't support Gary. But her private comments of the Saudis makes me hope otherwise.

Gary Johnson has 19% in three states, in South Dakota Hillary has only 25% she could encourage her voters to vote for Gary there, In Idaho Trump also has 43%. Libertarian supporter in Idaho could  change Hillary's 29% to a win instead.

A pre-election huge terror attack might make Hillary, Gary and Jill cooperate as the only way to stop Trump.

Trump couldn't possibly win Vermont or Hawaii, since he only has 26% and 25% respectively.  Therefore Bernie supporters should vote for Jill in Hawaii and Vermont to at least make the Green party as viable as the Libertarian is. Both the Green Party and the Libertarians are united against dirty politics.Two third party's becoming active will make America more multiparty and harder for the super-rich to corner the election cycles.

Voters In Britain, Austria, and the Philippians (with a bloody bragging about killing drug users and dealers law and order Ain't-Gonna-Take-It goon, surprised the pollsters with far more votes then expected “I-Ain't-Gonna-Take-It No More” Votes. As soon as the newscasters start to discuss an Electoral College deadlock, “I-Ain't-Gonna-Take-It” can switch to a Third Party to show anger.

The only likely way for Trump to win is for Hillary to be ahead by only 2% or possible even up to 7%, and Trump pulling a Brexit surprise. If a terror attack makes Trump ahead by more, the other parties will cooperate.

Let's cooperate now, Gary and Hillary cooperate on South Dakota and Idaho two stares which would not otherwise switch.  Please Gary urge Hawaii Libertarians to vote for Jill while you urge Greens in states where Jill is behind Gary, to vote for Gary. As a unit, the Greens and Libertarians working together can stop America from degenerating into race-baiting and scapegoating. We can unite to prevent a President who would never be satisfied with only two terms. your social media marketing partner
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