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writing for godot

A Social Manifesto Against Class History: Immanent War & ongoing Slavery (Part Two)

Written by Eric Albert Schwing   
Wednesday, 16 November 2011 07:54
Adam Smith's free markets were based on social wealth theories, which were corrupted, and substituted for class wealth theories in the transition and deformation of the French Revolution and Enlightenment, whose social theories by revolutionary liberals became, instead, the co opted, corrupted class theories of capitalist liberals. They appeased and allowed the deforming class hierarchies to continue to exist, going into the industrial revolution, compromising the social theories and in turn deforming them into class politicians. The deformed, corrupted social theories of classical economists, from Smith to Marx, is the definition of all class ideologies. An exact opposite conclusion is necessary, for the theory of social reforms, evolutionary socialism, as the social theorists of ancient Greeks have demonstrated not evolutionary progress, but evolutionary degeneration.

Only social revolutionary transformations, the elimination of all or most class hierarchies is necessary to gain the critical mass, cumulative social forces needed to establish social middle classes around the world, as an automatic social mechanism, that makes evolutionary social reforms, socialism possible. This implies above all an end to class history itself, which would end and class tyranny, fascism and war. The accomodation, capitulation, even fascist appeasement, by all class opportunists and politicians defines them automatically as social betrayers, which historically, can be traced to the Class Compromise, Betrayal, of social theories in the Enlightenment, once the Post (class deformed) Napoleon regime established class laws, deformed by class hierarchies, top down corruption.

No longer social liberals, liberalism and conservatism were class ideologies born on betrayal and class corruption, and hence class ideologues and politicians. Even the socialists, whose origins were with Marx's social theories became co opted, corrupted and socialist, only in name, which can be seen in the failure of Papendreau, in Greece, to promote social power, against fascist austerity. These fake socialists and labor parties have all one thing in common, their unified support for class policies and class capitulation, i.e. social betrayers. More and more of the popular classes are realizing their ideological disconnect, the contradiction of supporting class politicians, class parties but demanding social agendas. They now are rejecting mainstream class parties, who have betrayed them, as they did of the Enlightenment.

The false embrace for social reform theories, temporary at best, was more to avoid having to embrace Marx's or Adam Smith's social wealth theories which would mean having to reject the class deforming hierarchies and class deforming ideologies, instead of accomodating privilege, class tyranny, Capitalism itself. WIKI LEAKS has been proven in spades, that Wester class hierarchies co opt, corrupt, blackmail, threaten, and coerce, not only institution within nation states, but between nation states. When Obama and Hillary blackmailed the Spanish government, not to prosecute Bush as a war criminal, it is the same blackmailing alliances that corrupts the U.N., NATO, as an agent of torture, rendition, overthrow of regimes for puppet states, thereby corrupting international laws, and constitutional requirements.

Similarily, when NATO and the U.S. blackmail the U.N. not to prosecute Israeli war criminals, their war crimes, and blackmail the U.N. president, even corrupt the IAEA nuclear head of the agency, to create lies to go to war, it demonstrates the generic corruption and functions of coercive class hierarchies. Social policies have become so corrupted, co opted that the meaning of socialist and labor parties, and even liberalism, has no meaning, clarity whatsoever, except their central role as CLASS BETRAYERS. Once the class hierarchies usurped the Enlightenment and its social liberal, in the same way the Matriarchy was usurped by Patriarchy, through the same class hierarchies, the class whoring liberals, or class thuggish, fascist conservatives, were the norm for all class parties.

FDR's social reforms were never permanent, nor automatically moving towards evolutionary socialism, instead, it was moving in the opposite direction, where social reforms, like the Glass Steagall Act were dismantled under the false ideology of "free markets" and deregulation. Social reforms are only conceded when revolution is around the corner, to save the system, and that was the historical role of FDR, saving Capitalism from itself. The ancient Greeks and their theory of evolutionary degeneration, have been proven right, with the rise of class tyranny, fascism itself. The class deforming functions operating within class hierarchies, are the same in Patriarchy, in Feudalism, and will continue to deform under Late Capitalism. It is how they became became class politicians, through co option, corruption, substitution and finally, falsely conflated social arguments that are class dogmas/myths.

These class dogmas and myths are the same "noble lies" which Plato, initiated, with partial, social theories. The empirical observations of ancient Greeks and their proto social links to class cycles and its class degeneration was spot on as many Greek thinkers commented on the demise of democracy into Empire. Their social theory can be extended beyond their city states, class republics to the class-nation states established in the POST Enlightenment, who also degenerated into class empires, brutal class tyranny, and Fascism itself. Class nationalism was not the mantra of social liberals, revolutionaries, it only became so with the establishment of the NAPOLEONIC, class state, with its class laws.

Originally, in the Enlightenment, loyalties were to social principles defined as patriotic, and international to the core. The slogan of revolutionary liberals, social liberals, and later under the Socialist movements,(their heirs), was "I am a citizen of this world. "So how did this inclusive social ideology become its opposite, inverted, to become an exclusive, duplicitous class nationalism, itself a form of class ideology? Like the Matriarchy, and later the Enlightenment, Adam Smith became co opted, one who was opposed to monopoly wealth, class wealth, and Mercantilism, yet embraced in the Post (class deformed) Enlightenment as the "Father of Capitalism", turned upside down to defend class despotism, and class nationalism. The original concept of Patriotism, was also turned upside down, inverted, like all Orwellian class principles automatically do.

The French revolution which was supposed to be anchored in freedom, egalitarianism, and liberty became inverted into class-nationalism, from which many class, despotic forms arose, namely, colonialism, post colonial and proto-fascist rule, to apartheid and classical Fascism itself. The inverting process of social theories begins the crippling process, and is the act of corruption, co option and substitution. Over time, these Orwellian totalitarian outcomes degenerate into enslavement and war, class tyranny and Fascism. This, of course requires class deformed language, false conflated social arguments that continue class arguments and outcomes. Notice, all class ideologues, including liberals, share these same deformed processes and ideologies, arguing like the fascist Libertarians that economic growth under Capitalism has to be linked, identified, with class control, instead of promoting social wealth, social control that moves beyond the partial growth, below, to an optimal outcome, instead of the parasitic, ZERO SUM GAME, that class hierarchies promote to class growth, i.e. class wealth.

Similarily, like the code word, "growth", "jobs" is another euphenism, code word, used to justify class control, class wealth for the parasitic, despotic elites. Fascist Libertarians, liberals, all class ideologues use this partial social bait, to switch to justifying class enslavement in order to enrich themselves. A slave has a job, but the social wealth created goes to the same class master. These coded class words justify class rule and enslavement, which diminishes their argument for "Growth", because, only, optimal social growth, the growth of the middle layers, would end class hierarchies and class history itself. Social wealth by social labor dissolves class hierarchies, and if established world wide, would end Wars and enslavement of Humanity. The middle layers cannot be divisible , deformed by class hierarchies, hence, they would be fully developed, not partially constructed for class wealth agendas.

Social wealth is based on social labor, that is indivisible, the social principle of MORE THAN THE SUM OF ITS PARTS, and not the class principle of A ZERO SUM GAME, always a parasitic pyramid structure. This original social theory of Patriotism can be demonstrated, if you repeat your PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. In it, you will find the corruption, missing, perfect clue, the inversion of reality by class opportunists, who misused the concept of indivisible, as class betrayers. They inverted the meaning of Patriotism for social justice and social principles into an argument for class despotism, class nationalism, class empires and class tyranny, which today have been used to develop a global fascist Matrix. The Pledge of Allegiance refers to the phrase and concept of a (SOCIAL) REPUBLIC, with SOCIAL JUSTICE, "indivisible with liberty for all." This phrase refers to the Enlightenment concept and improved social theory over Plato, for a social agency and social mechanism, the middle class.

It is the middle edifice, middle, symmetrical layer, that makes an indivisible social class, social agency, and also holds social control over wealth and morality. This is where true centrism lies, its social centers and principles, whose centers always hold, and are not DIVISIBLE, corrupted by class layers, BELOW them, which all class hierarchies do, instead. That is the definition of social patriotism, social nation states, which were turned upside down to promote class nationalsism. The Enlightenment had actually improved social theory over the earlier attempts by ancient Greeks and Plato to reclaim social power, "the Garden of Eden" lost in the Matriarchy, through co option, generic corruption of social wealth and rights by Patriarchy. The Enlightenment offered a social agency, the middle layers, as a way to implement a global social mechanism, thus reclaiming the lost, un corrupted historical mechanism, which once existed under Matriarchy.

Social principles like these produced such social ideas for control of civil society, implying universal rights, and were called NATURAL LAWS. The American revolutionary, Thomas Paine, too, envisioned such a just, social system, through a viable middle class, established internationally, against all class despotism. Such a social theory could not anchored in the concept of class states, crippled class republics, let alone, colonial states, apartheid states and class empires. It is the reason, today, why class corruption negated the supposed technical division of labor and balance of all three branches of government and morphed into class despotism. A social result demands the end of class deforming hierarchies through the dissolving solvent of social middle layers, who were supposed to be "indivisible", fully developed, without any class layers BELOW THEM.

The revolutionary (social) liberals, with their social, classical, macro-economic theories began with concepts of social wealth and universal rights, to achieve social control over civil society. It ended being co opted, corrupted with the rise of Patriarchy, class history, and its class hierarchies, which brought with it its class deformed language, class ideologies enslaving, first women into property, class relations, then all of Humanity itself. This is why "greed" is, falsely, seen, as a human failure, when it is the institutional, deforming class hierarchies warping humanity and producing institutional-greed, that deforms and enslaves humanity itself. Like the social Matriarchy, the failure of the Enlightenment and social liberals to follow through their social agenda, through their social wealth theories, the social Enlightenment, too was co opted, corrupted by the same class hierarchies, co opting the whole school of classical-social economics.

Adam Smith, Ricardo to Marx were all macro social theorists for wealth. It was the class Liberals, both liberal and conservative, who would embrace monopoly wealth, class deformed markets and mercantilism, that are class policies, opposed by Smith, yet falsely, called, social wealth theories, when they were despotic, class relations. This corrupting class process occured, first, under the class tyrant, Napoleon and failed French revolution, through who failed to dismantle class hierarchies through the dissolving, indivisible middle layers, intended, also to be a global, international strategy, to establish a global social mechanism. The dual purpose of establishing social wealth principles and global, "viable", middle classes, was to promote the cumulative social forces over the class hierarchies to kick start the social mechanism around the world, that automates social reforms, effortly, continually, through social contracts and social agendas.

That can only be achieved through social parties, independent of class forces and rejection of all class politicians. It was supposed to end, not just Feudal, aristocratic class power, but class history and Patriarchy, itself. Napoleon's POST (CLASS DEFORMED) Enlightenment would reproduce all the evils, deforming functions of previous existing class hierarchies that produced the deforming Patriarchy, deforming Feudal class system, and retaining them, resulting in the establishment of duplicitous class laws. Napoleon, also, re established the first class Empire, under new, capitalist clothes, with his new title as Emperor, causing Beethoven and other Western, social liberals to declare that he had betrayed the French revolution, Enlightenment, and was just "a mere man", a (class) "tyrant."

Beethoven renamed his musical piece for Napoleon,to "Eroica", rejecting his class corruption and class degeneration, deformation of the social Enlightenment, along with its revolutionary, social liberals, into class politicians. The class deformed civil societies noted by the ancient Greeks and its degenerating class cycles, would re appear 2000 years later, in the Post Enlightenment, reproducing class republic, nation states, that became class empires, through the same deforming, class hierarchies deteriorating into class tyranny, just as it did under Patriarchy. The downfall of women into property, class relations, and later all of humanity under class enslavement is examined through anthropology here:

On the origins of women's oppression

The essence and common denominator of all class deformed civil society must now be loudly proclaimed, that these deforming class hierarchies produce corrupting, inverted totalitarianism, which is now morphing into global Fascism. It does so through class deforming hierarchies that blackmail, threaten, corrupt, coerce humanity, as WIKI LEAKS, Assange, has demonstrated over and over. All class principles and class politicians are really DEFORMED social outcomes, the definition of class outcomes, co opting the underlying social principle, its inherent symmetry, whether social wealth and morality, and are the conditions for social control of civil society. We must conclude from this that there is a generic failure of the whole of class history, one which produces ALL failed class states, first crippling social outcomes into class outcomes, social republic into class republics, that secondly, degenerate into class Empires.

The class control of all other economies through class subordination, colonialism and fascist regimes, by Western powers, and then falsely comparing their domination over them, as proof of superiority of Capitalism, to non existent socialist states, is a lot like the claim for non existent free markets. The false comparisons with non existing socialist states, like the former Stalinist states is the same relation to most post colonial states, and is based on FALSE CONFLATION, which is the last step of corruption, co option, Orwellian logic. It is outright deception and stupidity. Like the ancient Greeks, we must use social ideology, social theory to link organically, dialectically, ALL failed class states to these extrem tyrannical class outcomes: Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco, Fascist states and Stalinist, post colonial states. ALL are failed class states leading to class empires, whether it is the colonial empires of France, Britain and other Western states, to the post-colonial, proto Fascist states of U.S. Empire, Israel's Fascist Zionism, and NATO fascism. It now seems Police Fascism is out of control against social movements. Watch video of Doril Rainey, who talks about creeping U.S. fascism, someone who lived in Nazi Germany:

Olbermann Gets It Right: When the Violence Comes From the 1% the Nonviolence Kicks In and Advances from the 99% (Also interview with 84 year old Doril Rainey ) (Video)

84-Year-Old Dorli Rainey, Pepper-Sprayed at Occupy Seattle, Denounces "Worsening" Police Crackdowns (video)

Even the corruption of the U.N. into a tool for Amerikan/Western imperialism and Fascism must be seen as part of the the same, corrupting, failed, class process. These global enslaving capitalists and their class policies have now degenerated into global fascist austerity, linked to fascist military alliances. It does not matter whether they are liberal or conservative as both Bush and Obama, democrats and republicas are war criminals. They have committed international war crimes, through their illegal drone wars of aggression. Furthermore, these Western War criminals protect each other from prosecution through co ordination, coercion and blackmail between class hierarchies. Obama blackmails Spain not to prosecute Bush and international courts refuse to prosecute Israel's murder of Palestinians and flotilla activists because all institutions, are corrupted by the same class hierarchies.

Amerika's Empire and its fascist link to NATO, is now setting up other regional NATO fascist alliances, in Asia and Africa, to participate in torture schemes, rendition, all of which are illegal.

US Africa Policy Assailed by Africans

Freedom Waves Will ContinueThe Seizure of the Gaza Boats

The world is in full revolt against these sociopaths, psychopaths called class politicians, be they liberals, conservatives or fascist libertarians. It is their class deformed hierarchies degenerating into global Fascism and now threatens the whole world into slavery and endless wars of aggression, now predicted against Iran by Christmas. We must dismantle, globally, all class politicians, unemploying them and their class parties and agendas, to save humanity from extinction, enslavement and war. We must reclaim social control over civil society by dismantling all class hierarchies, deforming humanity into blackmailing class agents through these class hierarchies, top- down. We must end class history and create a new SOCIAL CIVILIZATION, not new class civilization.

International strikes against fascist austerity, fascist Wars until these sociopaths, pyschopaths, class politicians have been completely removed from power, as the parasites, despots they are:

It's Unanimous!Fed Up With Netanyahu

Sometimes, even Western clients, European class elites and their fascist class tyrants are disgusted with their allies, who were first installed by the fascist CIA, then overthrowing them, murdering client thugs in Vietnam or Latin military states or disgusted with Netanyahoo, for his warmongering, fascism. Still the sociopathic Congress, as if to prove our social theories correct, are collectively coming together to call for support of Israel's war of aggression against Iran, and support for Fascist Israel, and its fascist Zionism, by punitively, cutting aid in UNESCO,for recognizing Palestinians as a state.

Today's Jews, today's Warsaw ghetto victims, the Palestinians of the Gaza Ghetto are accosted, not by one fascist state, Israel, but many Western Fascist class politicians imposing an illegal blockade ruled by the PALMER REPORT and the U.N. as illegal. Today Israel and Amerikan Empire, even Nato are seen as the greatest danger to global peace. End this madness, end this march towards Fascism, and War with Iran, by ending class history itself. your social media marketing partner
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