Gaddafi and CIA once worked hand in glove

Written by Richard Kane   
Monday, 05 September 2011 04:35
Gadaffi’s intelligence files were uncovered by the rebels and have an amazing amount of information in them and the CIA didn’t get close enough to edit them before the public got to see them.

What we know that was on bin Laden’s computers is what the CIA wants us to know, and it was rumored that the Soviet Archive was messed with before the historians got to them. Gadaffi’s files are an untouched information gold mine.  Philly Inquirer 9/4/ page 6

Some in the US have forgotten what a goon Saddam was and at one point a US agent or confudant and some don’t realize that things were as tightly controlled under Gaddafi as they are in North Korea. John McCain was for Gaddafi before he wanted the US to attack Gaddafi,

The peace movement discouragingly thinks they aren’t accomplishing much, but without a Western peace movement, US ground troops would have gotten the records not the rebels.

These revelations may end up more important than Wilkileaks and ironically may actually help the CIA and the US government stop confusing itself, with delusions caused by ending up accidentally keeping important insights secret from itself.

This treasure trove is a real cause for celebration.

PS Israel is not the only country with a lobby, Gaddafi spent lavishly on public relations experts and lobbying agents, see Mother Jones Libya and Monitor group

If anyone remembers along with the secret Russian lobbyists in this country suddenly arrested as spies was Puruvan JornalistVicky Peláez a self-hired lobbying agent for Cuba who got very close to the Russian agents who were born in Russia but came to the US with false identities. Right wing Cuban lobbyists outed the Russian spies to stop her influence,

This isn’t the Three Stooges but our country being imperiled, party by its own agents.

To add a counter thought I wonder if all the lobbying from aboard stopped spending money here, if the US continued to lobby abroad, whether the US economy might collapse more.

I wonder if all this revelation might end up leading to indirect leads even relating as far afield as 9/11.

Suddenly a breath of fresh air to add to Wilkileaks

by Richard Kane your social media marketing partner
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