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writing for godot

The Last Straw

Written by Barry De Jasu   
Wednesday, 20 July 2011 01:42
President Obama has dropped Elizabeth Warren. She is talented, intelligent, principled and a women. She is yet another progressive, like Von Jones, with whom our President has cut loose in the face of right winged opposition. I do not quite understand just what President Obama will ever really stands for other than a slower turn to the right than a proper republican would offer.

Just what is the last straw, or is there one, that would cause liberal and progressive Democrats to take on Mr. Obama in say a Presidential Primary? Just when are we going to stop settling for a poor substitute for real principled Progressivism and demand that our politicians really acknowledge that we are living in dire times demanding leaders who understand that people are being rendered slaves of the rich, that our planet is dying, that personal rights are disappearing, that people of power can get away with anything and that the world and all of its resources are being bought up by the few who control so much that there is no such thing as competition.

President Obama is the wrong person at this extremely dark time in our history. The United States has just 30 years gone from a country with laws protecting ordinary people to a country which values corporations as 'people' more that its real people. Where ignorance has become the default setting by design. We are fast losing any protection for the poor and previously middle classed. People who have jobs, more often than not, do not even make a decently life sustaining wage. Where so many are without jobs.

President Obama is committed to serve the same old energy companies. There still isn't a solar panel on the White House roof. Commitment to "audacious change you can believe in" has just not been his concern. Leadership is just not his style. He simply will not use his "bully pulpit" to fight for any principle or to defend any issue such as Social Security.

It seems clear to me that we must challenge our President to really be an agent of Progressive concerns and change. I hope that someone will step forward to provide such a challenge. In the meantime "We the People" must let our President that we expect him to develop a real spine and find his principles and begin to fight the good fight. your social media marketing partner
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