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Moore writes: "One week from today, Trump's LATEST version of his Muslim ban goes into effect. After mass, non-violent citizen action and dozens of legal challenges stopped it or slowed it down, the Trump administration has RELENTLESSLY been pushing new versions of the same, bigoted, cruel, anti-Muslim, un-American and unconstitutional policies. And come October 18th, those polices go into full effect."

Filmmaker Michael Moore. (photo: The New York Times)
Filmmaker Michael Moore. (photo: The New York Times)

Trump's Muslim Ban Is Tearing Families Apart. We Must Fight to Stop It.

By Michael Moore, Michael Moore's Facebook Page

13 October 17


ne week from today, Trump's LATEST version of his Muslim ban goes into effect. After mass, non-violent citizen action and dozens of legal challenges stopped it or slowed it down, the Trump administration has RELENTLESSLY been pushing new versions of the same, bigoted, cruel, anti-Muslim, un-American and unconstitutional policies. And come October 18th, those polices go into full effect.

To show solidarity and support for our Muslim sisters and brothers threatened by this, I put a call out to the local community inviting anyone affected by it to come as my guests to last night's show. Dozens of women, mostly from Syria and Yemen, joined me. While they were in good spirits last night, I heard awful stories of families potentially being split apart and livelihoods that might be ruined.

Next week, these women will be joined by thousands in Washington, D.C. to mobilize against the ban. If you can go to D.C., go to D.C. If you can't, organize an event in your own community. Call your representative and tell them we don't want this version of the Muslim ban or ANY version of the Muslim ban. And spread the word on social media that this is happening. While we all get easily distracted by the latest shiny object Trump puts in our faces, this new version of the Muslim ban has slowly been in the works and is now here.

Our Muslim sisters and brothers need our help. Don't sit this one out. Don't be silent: your social media marketing partner
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