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Moore writes: "I think I need to make a movie. Or bring back my weekly series to TV. Or stand on a stage and howl. Or something. Or anything. Or all of it."

Filmmaker Michael Moore near a closed factory in Flint, Michigan, where his father worked. (photo: Fabrizio Costantini/NYT)
Filmmaker Michael Moore near a closed factory in Flint, Michigan, where his father worked. (photo: Fabrizio Costantini/NYT)

It's Time for Me to Make a Movie

By Michael Moore, Michael Moore's Facebook Page

22 April 17


Easter Dinner Reflections... Or, How I Wish We Weren't Having Ham

think I need to make a movie.

Or bring back my weekly series to TV. Or stand on a stage and howl. Or something. Or anything. Or all of it.

Sure, I'm doing my bit as a citizen -- every single day. But what am I doing with my job -- as a filmmaker, as a writer, as an artist? Art? Now? In a time like this? Perhaps even more so because of a time like this.

It's all happening so fast -- the daily dismantling of sections of our government, bombing Syria, threatening war on nuclear North Korea, allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood, eliminating all programs to fight climate, and now trying to turn the Supreme Court into a right-wing junta for the next 40 years.

I've had to ask myself, what else can I, Michael Moore, personally be doing -- me -- with my own creative energies?

So, for the past few weeks, I've been on fire. Not the "strike-a-match-and-set-myself-on-fire" kind of fire. I mean the one where your mind just explodes with ideas, with creativity, with a sort of gleeful mad energy and you just can't stop. That fire that gets lit under you when you no longer have any other choice. A crazy thought enters your mind: "Can a simple movie actually bring down a sitting president of the United States?" Can an urgent, funny TV series meant to reach the people who watch wrestling and the shopping channels actually move them to a better place? Can I go somewhere where I can just walk out and say whatever the eff I want and suddenly some citizens might be moved to peacefully, legally take him down... and take him down NOW?

Ok, I know, I'm dreaming. But maybe I'm not. Maybe I don't want the ham this Easter. Maybe I'm going to go do what I do for a living and do MORE of it because I believe art and humor and all of us unleashing every ounce of creativity we have within us is what's going to stop this insanity.

And with that, I'll now ask someone to please pass me a yam... your social media marketing partner
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