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Sanders writes: "Worst of the worst. Donald Trump has brought forth the worst group of cabinet nominees in the modern history of our country."

Senator Bernie Sanders. (photo: Getty)
Senator Bernie Sanders. (photo: Getty)

Donald Trump Has Brought Forth the Worst Group of Cabinet Nominees in the Modern History of Our Country

By Bernie Sanders, Bernie Sanders' Facebook Page

17 February 17


orst of the worst. Donald Trump has brought forth the worst group of cabinet nominees in the modern history of our country. People who want to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and give huge tax break to billionaires. Nominees who will ignore the needs of women, children, the sick and the poor, while bending over backwards for Wall Street and corporate America. But in many ways, Scott Pruitt, the nominee for EPA administrator, is the worst of the worst. At a time when the scientific community is virtually unanimous in telling us that climate change is real, is caused by human activity and is causing devastating problems in this country and around the world, Mr. Pruitt refuses to recognize that reality. At a time when we have to transform our energy system away from fossil fuels and move to energy efficiency and sustainable energy, Mr. Pruitt wants to increase our reliance on fossil fuel. At a time when we have to strengthen environmental protection, Mr. Pruitt will be working overtime to dismember the EPA. For the sake of our children. grandchildren and the future of this planet are there not at least four Republicans who understand that Mr. Pruitt must not be confirmed as head of the EPA. your social media marketing partner
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