Moore writes: "What would Martin Luther King, Jr. say about all of this today? How sad would he be that 63% of white men and 53% of white women voted for Donald J. Trump?"
The filmmaker Michael Moore, near a closed factory in Flint, Mich., where his father worked. (photo: Fabrizio Costantini/NYT)
What Would Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Say About Trump?
18 January 17
hat would Martin Luther King, Jr. say about all of this today? How sad would he be that 63% of white men and 53% of white women voted for Donald J. Trump? He certainly would have understood their pain and anger -- but would he have forgiven that they lashed out at their injustice by voting for a racist? Or by staying home? Or by leaving the presidential part on the ballot blank? And what about the minority of white people who voted for Hillary -- what's our responsibility in all this, for letting White America install Trump as our leader? Could we have done more? Should white supporters of Hillary have had their eyes more open, stepped outside their "Hillary-is-going-to-win!" bubble, turned off the TV and the pundits and the pollsters and paid some real attention? Are white liberals still listening to these hacks? Were white Hillary supporters really that bad at math that they couldn't read an electoral map? Were the white people in Wisconsin really that uncool and so disgustingly working class to the hipsters at the Brooklyn HQ that they didn't deserve a visit from their candidate for seven long months? Are white liberals still in some sort of denial that this is actually happening? Black people aren't in denial. They've been living with this hate and racism and neglect forever and are not at all in shock over what's happened. That white women gave Trump the boost he needed to put him over the Electoral top is no surprise to them. White liberals believed that white women were going to save us from the angry white men who were and are the bulk of Trump's army. That didn't happen. What would Dr. King say about all of this? What could he tell us to soothe our hurt and allay our fears? Would he lead us in the fight one more time, or would he just hang his head today and simply weep. Just when the road seemed so much much shorter it suddenly got longer. And meaner. And almost unnavigable. He can't help us now. White people saw to that. The choice to fight is now left in our hands. And if you are white, don't we have an actual RESPONSIBILITY to undo this horrible wrong committed by our white neighbors, family members, co-workers and classmates? Shouldn't every single one of us be in the streets of DC this Friday and Saturday, nonviolently and forcefully resisting this moral crime White America has committed? Don't you want every African American, Muslim, Mexican, every LGBTQ American, every disabled person and every woman who's been grabbed and assaulted and humiliated by men like Trump to know that this wasn't YOU, that YOU won't be silent, that YOU will protect them and defend them and MAKE THIS RIGHT? Does not every single white person on this Martin Luther King Day have a shared DUTY to get up, stand up, march, resist, oppose, obstruct and make your voice heard so that no more harm comes to those who aren't born white and straight and Christian? This isn't a choice. This isn't something you get to think about. This is the only way to redeem ourselves, to answer the cry from Dr, King from his grave to not let all that he did and all that those good people who can before us did go to waste. Our silence right now will end his dream for good, and end the dreams of those who struggle day to day and week to week to simply survive. White America gave the world Donald J. Trump. But I f the 40%+ of white people who didn't vote for him are willing to join with the 90%+ of Black America and the majority of other people of color who also didn't vote for him, then that makes us the majority. Right now. We hold the true power. Stop reading this. Use it.
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