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Reich writes: "Just 24 days to go before Trump is sworn in. The next question: How long before Trump is impeached, and what will he be impeached for?"

Robert Reich. (photo: unknown)
Robert Reich. (photo: unknown)

8 Reasons Trump Could Be Impeached

By Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Facebook Page

28 December 16


ust 24 days to go before Trump is sworn in. The next question: How long before Trump is impeached, and what will he be impeached for? Some possibilities:

  1. Taking money from foreign governments, in violation of Article I Section 9 of the Constitution.

  2. Colluding with a foreign power against the interests of the United States, considered treason.

  3. Using the presidency for private gain, in violation of federal law (5 Code of Federal Regulations 2635.702).

  4. Seeking to intimidate critics, in violation of the First Amendment.

  5. Undermining the freedom and independence of the press, in violation of the First Amendment.

  6. Attacking freedom of religion, in violation of the First Amendment.

  7. Undermining the rule of law through arbitrary and capricious statements and orders, in violation of the Due Process clause of the First Amendment.

  8. Suppressing the votes of minorities, in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment.

  9. Other?

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