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Reich writes: "All current members of the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic state central committees should resign, and Democrats should elect people who are committed to creating a New Democratic Party."

Former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich. (photo: Steve Russell/Toronto Star)
Former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich. (photo: Steve Russell/Toronto Star)

All Current Members of the Democratic National Committee Should Resign. We Need a New Democratic Party.

By Robert Reich, Robert Rich's Facebook Page

12 November 16


lan A: All current members of the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic state central committees should resign, and Democrats should elect people who are committed to creating a New Democratic Party that will

(1) organize and mobilize millions of people into an activist army to peacefully resist Donald Trump’s takeover of America,

(2) provide this activist army with daily explanations of what is occurring in Trump’s administration, along with tasks that individuals and groups can do to stop or mitigate their harmful effects,

(3) protect vulnerable populations from harassment and exclusion, including undocumented young people, recent immigrants, people of color, and women,

(4) recruit a new generation of progressive candidates to run at the local, state, and national levels in 2018 and beyond, including someone to take on Trump in 2020, and

(5) do everything possible to advance the progressive agenda at state and local levels -- getting big money out of politics, reversing widening inequality, expanding health care, reversing climate change, ending the militarization of our police and the mass incarceration of our people, and stopping interminable and open-ended warfare.

Plan B: Create a new organization outside the Democratic Party to do (1) through (5) above.

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