Ash writes: "The U.S. corporate media created Donald Trump's presidential candidacy, they profited enormously from it, and now they own it."
CNN's coverage of Donald Trump has been almost non-stop since his campaign began. (image: CNN Video Grab)
The US Corporate Media Owns Donald Trump
10 October 16
he U.S. corporate media created Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy, they profited enormously from it, and now they own it. As well they should.
Donald Trump, as the saying goes, “was born at night, but it wasn’t last night.” His predilections now shocking the nation have in truth been on public display ever since. It’s him, it’s who he is, it’s who he’s always been. As was clearly evident in the latest video to emerge, he is far more inclined to brag about it than to hide it.
Guess what: anybody paying the slightest bit of attention was well aware of who Trump was. That would specifically include the U.S. corporate media. Didn’t matter one iota. As Mort Rosenblum writing in his blog Mort Unplugged aptly pointed out, “Trump’s Outrageous Bullshit Is a Gold Mine.”
Indeed it has been for the U.S. corporate press, particularly the 24/7 cable news twirlers. Trump with his antics parks sheep in front of televisions in herds. That means enormous advertising revenues. It also means that a pathetically self-indulgent, socially abusive, mentally unstable fraud has moved to the brink of becoming President of the United States.
All of which means not a damned thing to the American corporate press. Their masters wait on Wall Street for their profit reports. If the profits are up, and up substantially, as they are always projected to be at presidential election time, then careers are made. If not, heads roll. If the country is destroyed or foreign cultures devastated in the process, it’s all in the game. They can make a killing on that, too.
Be aware, if Donald Trump doesn’t drop out of the race, something he is not likely to do, then the corporate media outlets, realizing that he is still cash money, are more than likely to keep him in front of their cameras and microphones for the duration. Since televised visibility equates to legitimacy in the minds of broadcast addicts, this may yet be a horse race.
The greatest tool of population control is the television. Believe it. Fear it. Seriously.
Marc Ash is the founder and former Executive Director of Truthout, and is now founder and Editor of Reader Supported News.
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