Reich writes: "I hope Donald Trump loses the election and fades away forever. But I think Peter Dreier's prophesy is more likely. Trump will lose but he won't fade away. He's already creating his next platform - an authoritarian-populist media conglomerate designed to keep his ego, bigotry, anti-immigrant nativism, and xenophobia before the public 24/7."
Former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich. (photo: Steve Russell/Toronto Star)
Trump's Neo-Fascist Movement Will Haunt America for Decades
21 August 16
hope Donald Trump loses the election and fades away forever. But I think Peter Dreier’s prophesy is more likely. Trump will lose but he won’t fade away. He’s already creating his next platform – an authoritarian-populist media conglomerate designed to keep his ego, bigotry, anti-immigrant nativism, and xenophobia before the public 24/7.
He’s already rounded up all the key players: Roger Ailes (former Fox News guru deposed for sexual harassment), Stephen Bannon (former Goldman Sachs financier turned right-wing media mogul at Breitbart News), and, of course, the Donald himself – whose “brand” is now better known than ever, courtesy of the GOP, and whose loyalists will be glued to their televisions and smartphones to get ever more of Trump’s hatefulness and lies.
If you want to ponder a dystopian future, imagine Trump’s upcoming media empire making Fox News look responsible by comparison, and spawning a neo-fascist movement that will haunt America for decades.
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