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Reich writes: "As I predicted, the mainstream media this morning are saying the race is essentially over. But so far, no article I've read about yesterday's New York primary mentions that independents weren't allowed to vote in it."

Robert Reich. (photo: Getty)
Robert Reich. (photo: Getty)

The Mainstream Media Proclaims Democrats' Race Over, but Ignore Undemocratic Primary Process

By Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Facebook Page

21 April 16


s I predicted, the mainstream media this morning are saying the race is essentially over. But so far, no article I’ve read about yesterday’s New York primary mentions that independents weren’t allowed to vote in it. Yet 42 percent of American voters are now independent, and only 29 percent are registered Democrats (26 percent are registered Republicans), and we can assume a similar distribution in New York. A significant portion of Bernie’s supporters across the nation are independent – for the obvious reason that Bernie’s candidacy takes on the establishment. In addition, most young voters are independent. Independents gave Bernie huge victories in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Washington, for example. And independents obviously will play a large role in any presidential election.

The inclusion of superdelegates and exclusion of independents from many Democratic primaries makes the Democratic Party far less democratic than many assumed. This is the prerogative of the Party, of course. But the mainstream media have a responsibility to let people know all this, for the purpose of assessing the significance of a given primary outcome.

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