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Reich writes: "Bernie won Minnesota, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Vermont, and lost Massachusetts by a whisker. So the Bernie movement lives on, even though much of the media wants to discount it."

Former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich. (photo: Steve Russell/Toronto Star)
Former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich. (photo: Steve Russell/Toronto Star)

Bernie's Political Revolution Lives On

By Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Facebook Page

02 March 16


ernie won Minnesota, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Vermont, and lost Massachusetts by a whisker. So the Bernie movement lives on (even though much of the media wants to discount it). Meanwhile, Trump took most of the Super Tuesday states, but Cruz got Texas, Oklahoma, and Alabama (thereby becoming the Republican alternative to Trump).

In effect, the next president will emerge from one of four political tribes -- Trump's authoritarians, Cruz's fierce right-wingers, Hillary's establishment Democrats, and Bernie's political revolutionaries. If America had a parliamentary system, these four parties would negotiate to form a government and a prime minister. But we don't, and only one of these tribes will win.

The only group left out is the Republican establishment. They despise Cruz and abhor Trump. So where will they go? I think they'll join Hillary's establishment Democrats.

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