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Sanders writes: "I have to say, I find it a little beyond comprehension that Lloyd Blankfein would lecture our campaign about 'dangerous moments' after Wall Street received huge bailouts from the working families of this country, when their greed and recklessness caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, livelihoods, and homes just a few years ago. His arrogance has no end."

Senator Bernie Sanders. (photo:
Senator Bernie Sanders. (photo:

Goldman Sachs Thinks We Are "Dangerous"

By Bernie Sanders, Reader Supported News

05 February 16


he CEO of Goldman Sachs, Lloyd Blankfein, said yesterday our campaign represents a dangerous moment, "not just for Wall Street, but for anyone who is a little bit out of line."

I have to say, I find it a little beyond comprehension that Lloyd Blankfein would lecture our campaign about "dangerous moments" after Wall Street received huge bailouts from the working families of this country, when their greed and recklessness caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, livelihoods, and homes just a few years ago. His arrogance has no end.

Now Wall Street is pouring money into other campaigns. But I am here to tell you that we don’t want their money and we don’t want their super PACs. We are going to do it differently. We are going to win together on the strength of millions of small donations.

Here’s the truth: Wall Street is terrified because we are running a campaign that does not support their agenda. They never expected us to battle to a virtual draw in Iowa, and they are starting to get a bit nervous about New Hampshire too.

The next primary is less than one week away, and we have a slight lead in the polls despite opposition from the economic and political establishment in the state. But if we stand together, I know that we have a good chance to win next week.

In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders your social media marketing partner
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