Hetherwick writes: "I propose the formation of an 'AARA' and an 'MARA.' Which are acronyms for what could be an 'African American Rifle Association' and a 'Muslim American Rifle Association.' What could go wrong?"
Residents of Birmingham, Michigan, demonstrate for the right to carry weapons on the street. (photo: AP)
Race and the Second Amendment
09 January 16
What Might Quickly Change White Conservatives' Extreme Support of "Gun Rights"?
have a simple proposal...
I propose the formation of an “AARA” and an “MARA”. Which are acronyms for what could be an “African American Rifle Association” and a “Muslim American Rifle Association”. What could go wrong?
Members could stage demonstrations where (like their WHITE counterparts in the NRA) they could openly parade around brandishing loaded weapons to celebrate THEIR “Second Amendment Rights”... just like America’s WHITE “CHRISTCHUNS” do!
I would predict the African Americans would be dead within minutes and the Muslim’s remains would never be identified.
But there is actually some precedent for such an action... and it resulted in one of the first cases where a gun law passed EASILY.
It was in California in 1967 and the law was written by a CONSERVATIVE Republican State Assemblyman named Don Mulford.
And it was signed into law by “GOP Saint”... and future president... Governor Reagan. The law prohibited the carrying of loaded weapons in cities in California.
To quote Ronald Reagan at the time...
“No reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons.”
So why did conservative Republicans support such a law? The answer is very simple.
It all grew out of white lawmaker’s fears of African Americans brandishing firearms.
The first group to use the lack of gun regulations to further their cause was none other than the Black Panthers in 1967. The Panthers had formed their organization in Oakland shortly before the rapidly passed state California gun law.
The Black Panthers... led by Bobby Seale... knew that it was totally legal to carry a loaded weapon in public in California as long as the weapon was not concealed.
After being pulled over by the police in Oakland... Seale got out of his car openly carrying a shotgun. The police could do nothing about it. It was all totally legal.
Which led to Mulford’s legislation.
But only after Mr. Seale took it a step further.
After the police incident... Seale knew that Mulford would be speaking in the state legislature... and as a protest... several black panthers entered the California State House carrying loaded shotguns and pistols and proceeded to intimidate the State Representatives by sitting in the balcony openly displaying their weapons.
It was all totally legal and nothing could be done about it... so a reasonable law was quickly passed to protect Californians.
Then a year later... after the assassinations of RFK and MLK... the tables turned and the stage was set for a national debate that led to the first sweeping gun regulations to be passed nationally by congress in 1968.
Paul Van Blarcum... the Sheriff of my New York home county of Ulster... recently made national news when he recommended that people who had legal permits should be “packing heat” whenever they go out in public. And amazingly... according to the Saugerties Times.... 97% of Saugerties residents agree with him. Unlike its’ nearby neighbor of Woodstock... Saugerties is very Republican and very conservative.
My question for Sheriff Blarcum and my local neighbors is... “Would you also be supportive of people in Muslim garments carrying loaded weapons under their clothing? How about black guys in black leather wearing sun glasses?”
What’s the matter? Cat’s got your tongue?
In the racist country and society in which we unfortunately live... my belief is that America’s white racists fear African Americans and Muslims carrying guns more than they fear the loss of a few of their “constitutional rights”. I’m not talking about hunting rifles or shotguns... or even hand guns... as that’s NEVER going to happen.
Just the ridiculous military fire power that threatens our police and general population in a way that our “founding fathers” never could have conceived. It’s INSANE!
And I’m of course NOT actually advocating that African Americans and Muslim Americans arm themselves... this is just a fantasy “word piece” here. As I certainly don’t want MORE violence out there.
Fox News recently defended their bigoted stance on immigration when confronted with past immigration history by simply stating... “Times have changed”...
So why can’t the times change for guns?
The 2nd amendment is a simple statement.
“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”.
Please note two IMPORTANT words.
Our “founding fathers” that conservatives are always so quick to defend... actually REQUIRED EVERYONE to own a gun... as there was no standing national army and there was the need for local militias... and they required all citizens to REGISTER their guns with the government.
They were FOR regulation and registration!
And speaking of “militias”...
A little about those “Yahoos” in Oregon.
They are doing this because they got away with it before in Nevada and our government backed down. Backing down was a mistake.
I’m not talking about a full out assault... although that would have already happened had they been Muslim or African Americans.
But at the very least we should cut off all entry to the facility... all supplies... all food... and then fly in tear gas with drones.
They are protesting the government’s buying of the land from private owners at the time of Teddy Roosevelt. Which was to preserve the wildlife that was being rapidly destroyed by out of control ranching methods and improper land usage. It’s all history now.
Check it all out at this link...
The leader of this “militia” is the “anti-government” Mormon terrorist Ammon Bundy... who ironically received a loan 5 years ago from the “Feds” for $530,000.
Source: http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/05/us/oregon-wildlife-refuge-armed-protest/index.html
I guess the government is ok when you need them to lend you money... but not when you set fire to acres of public land or illegally graze your cattle on land that isn’t yours without paying for it. That’s “TYRANNY!”
Ammon is of course also the son of Clive Bundy of Nevada... who had that illegal cattle grazing “TYRANNY!” fight at his ranch in Nevada a couple of years ago.
At the time... Republicans gathered around in support of Clive. That is... until Clive started making statements about African Americans being better off under slavery.
Then they all ran like terrified jackrabbits!
This time... most are holding back comments to see which carefully calculated political shoe might fall next.
Except for Rick Santorum... who defended the terrorists by proclaiming that the government had used “eminent domain” to purchase the land back in the time of Teddy Roosevelt.
It’s called “history” Rick...
Under this twisted logic... shouldn’t Santorum also be in favor of giving the entire West back to the Native Americans?
Is Santorum still running for President? I honestly can’t remember. What a wimp!
Gilbert Hetherwick
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THIS JUST IN... It is now reported that the Bundy brothers are dining nightly at the best restaurant in the area... “Gold Card Revolutionaries”? And in addition to the government loan of half a million dollars they have received nearly $300K in government subsidies for their cattle ranching... “Welfare Ranchers” so to speak.
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