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Krugman writes: "As pundits are discovering to their horror, there's probably more to the Trump phenomenon than mere celebrity. The fact is that the central planks of modern conservatism - slashing taxes on the rich and benefits for the public at large - are deeply unpopular."

Paul Krugman. (photo: The New York Times)
Paul Krugman. (photo: The New York Times)

Pension-Cutters and Privatizers, Oh My

By Paul Krugman, The New York Times

19 August 15


wrote Monday about the strange phenomenon of Republicans lining up to propose cuts to Social Security, a deeply unpopular policy that is, however, also a really bad idea. How unpopular? Lee Drutman has the data: only 6 percent of American voters support Social Security cuts, while a majority want it increased. I argued that this apparent act of political self-destructiveness probably reflected an attempt to curry favor with wealthy donors, who are very much at odds with the general public on this issue:

Table 4 spending priorities. (photo: The New York Times)
Table 4 spending priorities. (photo: The New York Times)

Now we have another example: Marco Rubio has announced his health care plan, and it involves (a) greatly shrinking the tax deductibility of employer health benefits and (b) turning Medicare into a voucher system. Part (a) is favored by many economists, although I would argue wrongly, but would be deeply unpopular; part (b) is really terrible policy — proposed precisely at the moment when Medicare is showing that it can control costs better than private insurers! — and also deeply unpopular.

The strategy here, surely, is to propose things that voters would hate if they understood what was on the table, but hope that Fox News plus “views on shape of planet differ” reporting elsewhere will keep them confused, while at the same time pleasing mega-donors. It might even work, especially if Trump can be pushed out of the picture and the Hillary-hatred of reporters overcomes professional scruples. But it’s still amazing to watch.

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