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Pierce writes: "This did not work out for Ms. Schlussel, who remains merely pathetic, and who returned to her digs under a bridge somewhere."

Kayla Mueller in 2013. (photo: Jo. L. Keener/The Daily Courier/AP)
Kayla Mueller in 2013. (photo: Jo. L. Keener/The Daily Courier/AP)

The Smearing of Kayla Mueller

By Charles Pierce, Esquire

12 February 15


ot the Right Kind of dead hostage, I guess.

"No tears for the newly-departed Kayla Mueller, the ISIS hostage whose parents confirmed today that she is dead," conservative blogger Debbie Schlussel wrote on Tuesday, under the headline, "Kayla Mueller: Dead ISIS Hostage Was Jew-Hating, Anti-Israel Bitch." "Mueller was a Jew-hating, anti-Israel piece of crap who worked with HAMAS and helped Palestinians harass Israeli soldiers and block them from doing their job of keeping Islamic terrorists out of Israel," she wrote. Schlussel condemned Mueller's humanitarian work in the "so-called 'West Bank'" to prevent the demolition of "terrorists' 'houses.'" "I have no sympathy for any of these 'American' (in name only!) hostages of ISIS," she continued. "And my attitude when I hear they've been snuffed out is, so sad, too bad."

Ms. Street Meat was the star of a Wall Street Journal piece from seven years ago about the pathetic attempts by some people seeking a career in television gobshitery, a pathetic career goal to become the next Ann Coulter. Or something. This did not work out for Ms. Schlussel, who remains merely pathetic, and who returned to her digs under a bridge somewhere. The TV people quoted in the piece do not cover themselves with glory, either: To get noticed, Ms. Schlussel says, "I've become the master of the confrontational sound bite." "She's fearless," says Ms. Haddad, "and we need provocateurs willing to poke other people." Still, with 1,765 pundits on the producer's list of contacts, Ms. Schlussel has lots of competition for air time. And thus, neatly, is the end of rational political discourse in America summarized.)

The Stupidest Man On The Internet also checked in.

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