Warren writes: "California Attorney General Kamala Harris is a smart, tough, and experienced prosecutor who has consistently stood up to Wall Street. Yesterday, she announced her candidacy for the United States Senate, and I'm happy to support her campaign."
Senator Elizabeth Warren. (photo: AP)
I'm Supporting Kamala
18 January 15
arbara Boxer has been my friend and mentor in the United States Senate, and I�m very sorry that we�ll be losing her strong leadership when she retires in 2016.
But it is also true that I�m really excited about what�s in store for California and our country.
California Attorney General Kamala Harris is a smart, tough, and experienced prosecutor who has consistently stood up to Wall Street. Yesterday, she announced her candidacy for the United States Senate, and I�m happy to support her campaign.
Let me take just a moment to tell you what makes Kamala Harris so special.
When the housing market crashed in 2008, California was hit hard. Home prices had shot through the roof, and families that were desperately afraid they might be priced out of housing forever took on big mortgages. But those weren�t just standard, here-are-the-payments mortgages. No, millions of people ended up with mortgages that were loaded with tricks and traps, sold by both big banks and fly-by-night mortgage lenders. When the market collapsed, these people couldn�t pay their mortgages, they couldn�t refinance, and they couldn�t sell their homes.
Attorney General Kamala Harris demanded real accountability from the lenders. She wasn�t intimidated by the big banks. When the negotiations in the National Mortgage Settlement weren't tough enough on the banks, Kamala took a bold move. She said that her job was to protect the people of California, not help the big banks, so she pulled out of the group negotiations and later secured $20 billion in relief for struggling California homeowners. And to help prevent another crisis from happening again, she fought for a new California Homeowner Bill of Rights � one of the most comprehensive sets of foreclosure reform laws in the country.
I worked with Kamala, and I saw up close and personal that she is tough, she is principled, and she fights hard.
We need more leaders in Washington who are willing to fight for a level playing field for working families. Kamala came to Massachusetts to help our campaign in 2012, and I�m doing what I can to make sure Kamala Harris makes it to the United States Senate in 2016.
Donate now to Kamala Harris�s campaign so she can fight by my side for America�s middle class.
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It is both revealing and disgusting that those most suffering from, and dying from, this pandemic
are more likely to be those of minority ethnic backgrounds and ones with the lowest incomes.
I am fortunate, though, that even with a sub-poverty-lev el income and a few on-going
health issues, I have both sufficient money to live comfortably on, and excellent
health coverage -- but I realize that this is unusual, and partly due
to my ethnicity and background...
BTW, I chose to give that $1,200 to three local food banks and a COVID-19
emergency-fund. Perhaps those more financially well-off than I should consider doing the same?
Other people needed that money more than I did!