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Warren writes: "Back in 2012, New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen came to Massachusetts many times to talk to people about why we needed to beat Scott Brown and protect the Democratic majority in the Senate."

Senator Elizabeth Warren debates Scott Brown in 2012. (photo: AP)
Senator Elizabeth Warren debates Scott Brown in 2012. (photo: AP)

Same Old Scott Brown

By Elizabeth Warren, Reader Supported News

29 October 14


ack in 2012, New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen came to Massachusetts many times to talk to people about why we needed to beat Scott Brown and protect the Democratic majority in the Senate.

Never in a bazillion years did it cross my mind that Scott Brown would pack up and move to his vacation house in New Hampshire to run against our friend Jeanne. But that's exactly what happened – and with less than three weeks to go, the race is neck-and-neck.

That's why I'm going to New Hampshire next weekend to join Jeanne Shaheen, to make sure our neighbors know as much about Scott Brown's record as the voters of Massachusetts did when they decided to turn him out.

Sure, he's got outside money again – buckets of it – but we can send him a message: The same grassroots team that stopped Scott Brown in 2012 will stop him again in 2014.

Scott Brown may claim nowadays that he's a New Hampshire guy through and through, but you and I know that wherever he parks his truck, he's the same Scott Brown.

That's why I'm headed to New Hampshire – just to talk about at the facts – the record that Scott Brown ran up in the US Senate:

  • With nearly a quarter of a million people unemployed in Massachusetts – and thousands more out of work in New Hampshire, Scott Brown voted against three jobs bills.

  • With students struggling to get an education, Scott Brown voted to let the interest rates on student loans double and he voted for a budget to cut Pell Grants.

  • With climate change bearing down on us, Scott Brown voted to protect billions of dollars in subsidies for Big Oil – some of the most profitable companies on the planet.

  • With women struggling to help support their families, Scott Brown voted against equal pay for equal work. And just to make clear where he stands on women's issues, he cosponsored a bill to let employers deny women insurance coverage for birth control. And he voted against a pro-choice woman to the US Supreme Court.

  • With big banks crashing the economy, Scott Brown worked to weaken regulations to hold the big banks accountable and then was named to the Forbes list of Wall Street's favorite Congressmen.

I know one more thing about Scott Brown: We can beat him, and we can beat his powerful friends. We've done it before, and we can do it again.

Jeanne has shown me what it's like to be tough, to be strong, and to fight for what you believe in. Now it's our turn to fight for Jeanne.

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