Krugman writes: "And the fact is that everything Obama said was basically true, while much of what Romney said was either outright false or so misleading as to be the moral equivalent of a lie."
Portrait, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, 06/15/09. (photo: Fred R. Conrad/NYT)
Romney's Sick Joke
04 October 12
K, so Obama did a terrible job in the debate, and Romney did well. But in the end, this isn't or shouldn't be about theater criticism, it should be about substance. And the fact is that everything Obama said was basically true, while much of what Romney said was either outright false or so misleading as to be the moral equivalent of a lie.
Above all, there's this:
MR. ROMNEY: Let - well, actually - actually it's - it's - it's a lengthy description, but number one, pre-existing conditions are covered under my plan.
No, they aren't. Romney's advisers have conceded as much in the past; last night they did it again.
I guess you could say that Romney's claim wasn't exactly a lie, since some people with preexisting conditions would retain coverage. But as I said, it's the moral equivalent of a lie; if you think he promised something real, you're the butt of a sick joke.
And we're talking about a lot of people left out in the cold - 89 million, to be precise.
Furthermore, all of this should be taken in the context of Romney's plan not just to repeal Obamacare but to drastically cut Medicaid.
So enough with the theater criticism; Romney needs to be held accountable for dishonesty on a huge scale.
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