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A deep-fried turkey burns after a mishap. (photo: Ann Sagona Insurance Agency)
A deep-fried turkey burns after a mishap. (photo: Ann Sagona Insurance Agency)

Homeland Security Issues Turkey Fryer Warning

By Charlie Spiering, The Washington Examiner

23 November 11


he Department of Homeland Security is taking any threat seriously during the Thanksgiving holiday, including the ominous threat to our national security posed by turkey fryers.

"How dangerous can turkey fryers be?" asks a warning issued on the official DHS Twitter account. "Make sure the turkey is completely thawed before placing in a fryer, or this may happen."

The department linked to an ominous video highlighting the dangers of deep frying a turkey.

"Use turkey fryers outdoors at a safe distance from buildings." the DHS tweeted, "Never use turkey fryers in a garage or on a wooden deck." your social media marketing partner
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