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Intro: "Tasers that elicit excruciating spasms in one person at a time? Foam pellets that send an entire crowd fleeing in agony? Pfft. So 2011. Where non-lethal weapons are concerned, the future's all about sonic microwaves that can make swimmers puke mid-stroke, and aircraft with laser beams that can redirect an entire enemy plane mid-flight."

A system of 'pulsed laser[s]' on the tip of an airplane, used to 'externally control the steering forces' of a foe's aircraft, in order to 'divert [it] from a restricted area.' (art: US Army/JNLWD)
A system of 'pulsed laser[s]' on the tip of an airplane, used to 'externally control the steering forces' of a foe's aircraft, in order to 'divert [it] from a restricted area.' (art: US Army/JNLWD)

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