Intro: "The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has updated a widely cited chart to show that Bush-era tax cuts to the rich and two ill-advised wars - not the economic downturn - are primarily responsible for the massive debt now driving Republicans to cut health, education, social services and every other remotely useful program."
Former President George W. Bush waves while signing copies of his new memoir, 'Decision Points,' 11/09/10. (photo: Tom Pennington/Getty Images)
Thank George W. ... Again
29 May 11
(graphic: Center for Budget and Policy Priorities}
ust As We Suspected Dept: The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has updated a widely cited chart to show that Bush-era tax cuts to the rich and two ill-advised wars - not the economic downturn - are primarily responsible for the massive debt now driving Republicans to cut health, education, social services and every other remotely useful program. As usual, the visuals speak louder than any numbers.
(image: unspecified)
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