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Intro: "Los Angeles poised to be the first major US city to call for an end to corporate personhood. Grassroots momentum builds toward passage of vote on December 6th."

A protester carries an Adbusters' American flag bearing corporate logos. (photo: AP)
A protester carries an Adbusters' American flag bearing corporate logos. (photo: AP)

LA Fights to End Corporate Personhood

By LA Progressive

04 December 11


he Los Angeles City Council will vote on a resolution, which calls on Congress to amend the Constitution to clearly establish that only living persons - not corporations - are endowed with constitutional rights, and that money is not the same as free speech in the electoral process. If the resolution is passed, Los Angeles will be the first major city in the U.S. to call for an end to all Corporate Constitutional rights. The vote will be held at 10 AM on Tuesday, December 6, 2011 at Los Angeles City Hall 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012-3224. Citizens are urged to attend the meeting and to contact their City Council Member in support of this initiative. A full draft of the resolution is available on the website.

Our goal is to have a unanimous vote by the City Council," said Mary Beth Fielder, Co-Chair of Move To Amend LA, the grassroots organization spearheading this effort. "We are experiencing overwhelming support for what may be a historic turning point in restoring a voice to the voters and setting an example for the rest of the country."

Move to Amend L.A.'s effort is endorsed by a growing list of organizations including Common Cause, Occupy LA, Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Environmental Caucus of the CA Democratic Party, Occupy Venice, Southern California Americans for Democratic Action, MoveOn LA, Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica Mountains, Multiple Neighborhood Councils, Democracy for America, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Strategic Actions for a Just Economy, Good Jobs LA, AFSCME 36, LA Green Machine, LA Progressive, and the California Clean Money Campaign.

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