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Devaney writes: "The Obama-era rule from the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) prohibited certain hunting tactics that target 'predator' animals likes bears and wolves while they are inside Alaska's national preserves."

Brown bears play in a pond at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center in Portage Glacier, Alaska, in 2009. (photo: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images)
Brown bears play in a pond at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center in Portage Glacier, Alaska, in 2009. (photo: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images)

Trump Kills Obama Hunting Protection for Hibernating Alaskan Bears

By Tim Devaney, The Hill

05 April 17


resident Trump rolled back a trio of regulations Monday, including protections for hibernating bears in Alaska.

The Obama-era rule from the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) prohibited certain hunting tactics that target “predator” animals likes bears and wolves while they are inside Alaska’s national preserves. This included a ban on hunters using airplanes.

Trump overturned the rule Monday, handing control of the hunting regulations over to Alaska state officials who have shown an eagerness to control predator populations as a way to protect other animals such as deer. But animal rights activists say this will open the door to hunters snatching hibernating bears and wolves out of their dens, or even killing them in front of their cubs.

The president also rolled back the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) Internet privacy rules and the Labor Department’s workplace protections that required companies to report injuries and illnesses that occur on the job. your social media marketing partner
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