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teleSUR writes: "Over 1,000 hate crimes have been reported since Donald Trump won the U.S. presidential election, the rate dropping since the days after election day but over a third of them still making reference to Trump."

Hate crimes are still up, but rates have gone down since the days after election day. (photo: Reuters)
Hate crimes are still up, but rates have gone down since the days after election day. (photo: Reuters)

Trump's Election Sees More Than 1,000 Hate Crimes in a Month

By teleSUR

17 December 16


Over one-third of the incidents made mention of President-elect Donald Trump.

ver 1,000 hate crimes have been reported since Donald Trump won the U.S. presidential election, the rate dropping since the days after election day but over a third of them still making reference to Trump.

Most of the incidents were against immigrants, followed by African-Americans, Muslims and LGBT people, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which released the data on Friday but cut off the count on Monday, Dec. 12. The SPLC counted a total of 1,094 from news reports, social media and direct submission.

Like previous counts, most incidents occurred in K-12 schools, followed by highly-frequented businesses and campuses of higher education. Most recruitment drives, especially those including fliers, were reported on college campuses, the majority of them by white nationalists and some from the Ku Klux Klan.

Attacks that referenced Trump overwhelmingly attacked women, reported the SPLC, which also counted anti-Trump and anti-white incidents. The former came to a total of 26, with six anti-white incidents. your social media marketing partner
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