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Chitransh writes: "Bernie Sanders only sees a 'narrow path to victory,' and his wife, Jane Sanders, has now said the 'political revolution' will continue after his campaign."

Jane Sanders, wife of Vermont Senator and 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. (photo: T.J. Kirkpatrick/Bloomberg/Getty Images)
Jane Sanders, wife of Vermont Senator and 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. (photo: T.J. Kirkpatrick/Bloomberg/Getty Images)

Jane Sanders: "If Bernie Loses, We'll Form a New Organization"

By Anugya Chitransh, Kicker

02 May 16


ernie Sanders only sees a "narrow path to victory," and his wife, Jane Sanders, has now said the "political revolution" will continue after his campaign. In an interview with "The Rachel Maddow Show," Jane spoke about what Bernie plans to accomplish if he fails to win the nomination.

"What we really want to do is change the agenda of the Democratic Party."

Maddow asked Jane if she sees an "organization being formed out of the Sanders-centered movement that's sprung up around his campaign" if Bernie loses the nomination.

"That's always been the intent. Right from the beginning, it's been a two prong approach: run for president--and the most important thing is not electing Bernie president--the most important thing is starting a political revolution. Bernie said that since the day he announced.

... If he's not the nominee and he's not the president, then that becomes even more important."

Watch the full segment on Bernie from last night's "Rachel Maddow Show":

In a rally in Eugene, Oregon, Bernie also spoke about ineffectiveness of the Democratic Party.

“The Democratic Party, up to now, has not been clear about which side they are on, on the major issues facing this country. You cannot be on the side of those workers who have lost their jobs, because of disastrous trade agreements, and support those corporations who have thrown millions of our workers out on the street.”

There's already a new Bernie organization born out of the ashes of his campaign.

Following hundreds of layoffs in Bernie's campaign, former staffers have started a new political action committee called Brand New Congress--its main purpose is to put politicians like Bernie in Congress.

They are targeting the 2018 midterm elections and are already forming local search committees and recruiting people. One of the founders, Zack Exley, said they are aiming for a supermajority in Congress.

“We want a supermajority in Congress that is fighting for jobs, criminal justice reform, and the environment.”

Sanders has yet to endorse Brand New Congress. But why wouldn't he? your social media marketing partner
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