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Wofford writes: "On Monday afternoon, Bernie Sanders's campaign dredged up a potentially embarrassing three-year-old tweet from Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, former White House Chief of Staff and longtime Clinton confidante John Podesta."

Bernie Sanders's campaign found a three-year-old tweet from Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, John Podesta, that seems to reveal a difference in opinion between Podesta and Clinton on health care. (photo: Craig Lassig/Reuters)
Bernie Sanders's campaign found a three-year-old tweet from Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, John Podesta, that seems to reveal a difference in opinion between Podesta and Clinton on health care. (photo: Craig Lassig/Reuters)

Bernie Sanders Just 'Berned' Hillary's Campaign Chairman Hard

By Taylor Wofford, Newsweek

13 January 16


n Monday afternoon, Bernie Sanders's campaign dredged up a potentially embarrassing three-year-old tweet from Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, former White House Chief of Staff and longtime Clinton confidante John Podesta. The tweet in question:

Under a single-payer system, a single public entity—perhaps Medicare, if the U.S. were to ever adopt such a system—would pay for everything, hence Podesta's tweet, which seems to suggest how simple Medicare is versus, say, the nation's private health care system. On its own, it's a completely innocuous tweet.

The embarrassment for the Clinton campaign is that Podesta's boss opposes single-payer health care. Clinton has been a strong proponent of the Affordable Care Act and has offered numerous proposals to expand health insurance options for Americans, but she doesn't support the kind of single-payer system that Sanders favors and that is common in Western Europe. Clinton has called single-payer a "one size fits all" approach that wouldn't work for a country as big as the United States.

Sanders's campaign took advantage of the seeming rift between Podesta and Clinton: your social media marketing partner
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