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Richardson writes: "Bernie Sanders tweeted Monday that he would meet with prominent Black Lives Matter activist Deray McKesson to discuss his racial justice platform."

Bernie Sanders being confronted by Black Lives Matter activists. (photo: KIRO)
Bernie Sanders being confronted by Black Lives Matter activists. (photo: KIRO)

Sanders to Meet With Black Lives Matter Activist DeRay McKesson

By Bradley Richardson, The Hill

18 August 15


ernie Sanders tweeted Monday that he would meet with prominent Black Lives Matter activist Deray McKesson to discuss his racial justice platform.

“Let’s do it,” Sanders tweeted, saying his staff would set up the meeting.

Sanders’s campaign has previously expressed interest in setting up a face-to-face meeting with Black Lives Matter activists.

“I apologize it took our campaign so long to officially reach out,” Sanders’s African-American outreach director, Marcus Ferrell, said in an email to a group of activists obtained by Buzzfeed Saturday.

“We wanted to let you know that we hear you, we want to do a better job speaking out on the issues, and as a sitting U.S. Senator, possibly introducing legislation and making a constitutional change,” Ferrell said in the email.

Sanders said on “Meet the Press” Sunday that the message had been sent without his knowledge.

Black Lives Matter protestors shut down a Bernie Sanders rally earlier this month in Seattle. your social media marketing partner
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