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Weisman writes: "Trade negotiators from the United States and 11 other Pacific nations failed to reach final agreement on Friday, with difficult talks on the largest regional trade agreement ever deadlocking over protections for drug companies and access to agriculture markets on both sides of the Pacific."

Trade ministers negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership in Lahaina, Hawaii, gather for a group picture. (photo: Audrey McAvoy/AP)
Trade ministers negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership in Lahaina, Hawaii, gather for a group picture. (photo: Audrey McAvoy/AP)

Talks for Pacific Trade Deal Stall at a Critical Step

By Jonathan Weisman, The New York Times

01 August 15


rade negotiators from the United States and 11 other Pacific nations failed to reach final agreement on Friday, with difficult talks on the largest regional trade agreement ever deadlocking over protections for drug companies and access to agriculture markets on both sides of the Pacific.

Trade ministers, in a joint statement, said late Friday they had made “significant progress” and will return to their home countries to obtain high-level signoffs for a small number of final sticking points on the agreement, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, with bilateral talks reconvening soon.

“There are an enormous number of issues that one works through at these talks, narrowing differences, finding landing zones,” said Michael B. Froman, the United States trade representative. “I am very impressed with the work that has been done. I am gratified by the progress that has been made.”

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